1 Peter 2:11

Beloved, I implore you as aliens and strangers and exiles [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges (the evil desires, the passions of the flesh, your lower nature) that wage war against the soul.

It is saddening to think that the worst kind of war is the war that is fought with guns and warplanes and warships and nuclear weapons, etc. For us who know the truth, we understand that there is a war much bigger and deeper than physical warfare. It is a personal war, fought with oneself to liberate oneself from oneself. Every man has a lot in this war and no man can escape from it. it is the war against the passions of the flesh, or lust. How does internal warfare arise?

The soul is designed or made to operate and function and survive by the word of God. When we introduce the lust of the flesh into it, there is bound to be a breakdown. That is, war arises in our members whenever we try to make compatible two incompatible things: soul and lust. No wonder James tells us that wars and fighting arise as a result of lust in our members (see James 4:1).

If physical warfare is destructive, what can we say about the wars that our souls must fight? A soul over which fleshly lust has overran is dead soul and can only be raised by the word of God. We must therefore watch out for the things that we desire to acquire daily. If they do not agree with the word of God, your [enlightened] soul will certainly react negatively. It is doing warfare. In the midst of warfare, no true progress and growth can take place. Imbibe the art of subjecting your feelings and desires to the ultimate test - the Word of God.


Father, strengthen the defenses of my soul against the carnality of the flesh. Help me to defeat every fleshly desire that does not agree with Your word.

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