Bad Habits You Must Unlearn

in #motivational6 years ago (edited)

Bad Habits You Must Unlearn
In order to invite great things into your life, you must be willing to make room for them. We all have traits and tendencies we need to give up so we can focus on something new. To get you started, here are 20 Bad Habits You Must Unlearn.

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Being a perfectionist.
Although it’s best to put 100% effort into everything you do, it’s not the end of the world if every little detail isn’t as it should be. Always trying to be perfect can be exhausting and it sets you up for failure in most situations.

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Thinking small.
Expand your horizons. Go bigger, go better. Grow! Sometimes the process is painful, but it's worth it once you reap the benefits of your investment.

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Minimizing yourself.
It doesn't put anyone else at ease by belittling yourself. In fact, it can cause others to be uncomfortable by making them feel the need to bring you back up again.

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Waiting for luck.
Contrary to popular belief, luck doesn’t just come along out of nowhere. It is built upon a foundation of preparation. Coming across a good opportunity may be partly a matter of luck, but it's also a matter of knowing where to find them and being prepared to make the most of them.

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  1. Waiting for anything else.
    We have been fooled into thinking that we will be successful if we wait for the right time, right place, and right person, but opportunity is where you find it, not where it finds you.

Needing approval.
The opinions of others can really knock you back if you let them. Some people are so consumed and wrapped up in what others think of them to the point that they no longer live THEIR life – They live the life others will approve of and it’s no way to live at all.

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Trying to do it alone.
Working alone can give you a great sense of accomplishment once you have reached your goals, but the journey will be twice as hard and half as fun. It’s okay to accept help from others. You don’t have to do it alone.

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Making empty promises.
Your word and integrity are among the most important traits to grow and develop. For those who struggle with keeping their promises, you can simply make them less often. Making your promises rare will go a long way to making them 100% reliable.

Fixating on your weaknesses.
Nobody is perfect and we all have weaknesses we need to improve on. During times of struggle, focus on your strengths and harness that energy and motivation to help get you out of your slump. When you feel strong and competent again, work on the weaknesses which could bring you back down.

Blaming others.
Owning up to your mistakes and working to find a solution makes life easier for all involved. It can be tough to admit to others that it’s your fault, but blaming somebody else is not the way to go.

Living in the past.
Your future starts now. Learn from the past, yes. But use it as a guide to your future to propel you into prosperity and avoid dangerous situations. You can’t let your past stop you living your life.

Trying to please everyone.
Humans are extremely complex. Trying to please everyone in your life is an impossible task. Especially as the standard way to please others is to cause discomfort or stress to yourself. But YOU are just as important as the others in your life and YOU have value just like they do. Help others, but also help yourself.

Holding on to grudges.
Hate is a strong, distasteful word. Holding onto a grudge because of an argument which happened weeks, months or even years ago is a complete waste of time & energy. Not only is it stressful, it is fuelled by your own happiness, draining you the more effort you put into hating others.

Avoiding change.
Things change. People change. Places change. Learn to embrace it. Take the next journey through the unknown with an open mind and love every minute of it.

Worrying about things going wrong.
Avoiding risk and never daring is the biggest mistake you can make. Sure, the worst thing COULD happen. But you cannot let fear take hold of you and prevent you from living your life.

Saying "I can't."
Never give up just because something is difficult. It will just make your victory that much sweeter, and it will provide you with an incredible boost to your self-confidence in the future. Just keep going, keep tracking your progress and emerge victorious.

Staying down.
Throughout your life, you will be knocked down several times. Whether it’s through a difficult financial situation, relationship problems or even the death of a close friend or family member, there will come a low point where you will just want to stay down. DON’T. Gather your thoughts, gather your strength and rise back to where you were. Falling down is not failure. Staying down is.

Complaining about yesterday will rarely make tomorrow better. Turn all of your complaints into constructive thoughts and advice for others. If you feel the need to complain about something, do it privately to the person or organisation who can improve the situation. Don’t be that negative person nobody wants to sit next to.

Spending time with negative people.
Humans are social beings. The people we spend the most time with have a significant impact on our mannerisms and behaviour. Therefore, negative people will corrupt your thoughts and bring you down if you spend too much time around them.

Comparing yourself with others.
It’s not the end of the world if the guy across the street has bigger arms than you. Nor if the woman at the next table is slimmer than you. Comparison is a thief of your happiness and a waste of your time. Focus on what you’re doing to make yourself better, forget about the others.

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