11 Things I've learned in my 20's

in #motivational8 years ago (edited)

Tomorrow i will be hitting the major milestone of 30 in my life. Some of you think I'm getting old, others know I have a long way to go before any real wisdom is possible. Regardless I wanted to pass some things off to my friends and also to make sure I'll be able to laugh at myself in ten years for thinking I'm so wise.

  • Never be Afraid to Learn Something New

this last week I learned how to ferment and make sauerkraut for about $1 a jar instead of purchasing it fresh for $10. Turns out its not that scary and it came out wonderful. I could have just assumed this was hard and never bothered, but theres lots to be gained from learning new things, even if they are simple like fermentation.

  • Minimize Time Sucks

Don't waste your time just wasting time. I'm not talking about playing video games when you had a stressful day or watching an exciting movie. I'm talking about browsing facebook for an hour, or watching food network when you actually wanted to work on a side project or go on a nice walk. Make sure you are fulfilled by each hour you spend.

  • Don't Take Family for Granted

I spent my college years away from my family so I could have some independence. That's fine, but don't get so busy with your life that you forget to tell your parents how grateful you are and how much you love them. I lost my Mom right before by 26th birthday, I'd do anything to go back and spend a little less time at my job and more time with her.

  • This Achievement Thing is a Little Overrated

In my early 20s I tried to impress others with my accomplishments. It turned out to be rooted in male insecurity from when i was the fat kid in fourth grade. I'm not saying that you shouldn't want be successful, just make sure to find peace with yourself and your motives, so you can head in the right direction.

  • Be More Empathetic

I spent the first 20 years of my life wired as a vulcan and unable to really have true empathy for others. Starting around the age of 24 I found myself with plaguing anxiety and panic attacks. Turns out a lot of people don't have control of their emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Stop judging and start listening and offering support.

  • Embrace Hardship

No one wants to have something bad happen to them, but it seems that the people with the most hardship also tend to have the most character. The key to becoming stronger is to be optimistic and/or drawing from the strength of others around you. It doesn't matter how painful, your experience will help you empathize and allow you to extend your hand to someone else.

  • Choose Learning Over Money

When you first get out of school it may be tempting to try and get the highest paying job, but go for the best learning opportunity. It not sprint, its a marathon and the person who chooses learning and mastering skills will inevitably be worth more than the college grad.

  • Learn How to Journal

The best way I've found to get my priorities straight, come up with inspiring ideas, and work through my emotions is to always be reflecting and writing. This is usually enhanced by one glass of red wine and a back porch. Make sure to invest in a really nice journal.

  • Learn How to Eat

After 5 years of struggling with an bad anxiety and trying to control and understand my thoughts I switched to the paleo diet. I feel at least 40% better and I'm able to live a completely normal life. Weird how the brain and diet are so connected, and here I was thinking it was all coming from just some deep buried emotions. Not only are there psychological benefits but my blood cholestrol and blood pressure are now healthy and I've lost 22lbs.

  • Don't be Afraid of People

If you bump in to someone and start a conversation they will probably assume you are a Morman, or own a Quixtar business, but push through and make friends with strangers. Make sure your only motivation is to make friends. This will throw people off for awhile but its very rewarding, and teaches you not to be afraid of people and new relationships.

  • Don't Forget to Tell Your Spouse How Much You Love Them

Sometimes its easy for things to go unsaid and for relationships to fall into roles and for the passion and love to not be as intense as when you first met. But don't do it! Imagine life as if they walked out on you or were in the hospital, you would do anything to get them back, so do it right now!

This list could go on and on but I realize that would cost you a lot of attention span, and you might have more interesting things to gloss over on your facebook feed. I would inspire anyone hitting a major milestone to do something similar let me know. Thanks for reading.


Well said... all of it.
I wish I were as wise as you in my 20's.

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