Just loving Life

in #motivational8 years ago (edited)

Here lately, my #life has really come together. I am in no way boasting, I just want to share with you how my hard #work has paid off. I just turned 23 years old in June. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in #Graphic Design last November and since then I have been working full time as a designer. Those 4 years of #school were tough but I didn't realize what tough was until I was out on my own. No more parent's support. I have been paying my own bills for 2 years now. I do not rely on anyone but myself. I work a day job as a designer 9-5 Monday through Friday and I also work as a #freelance designer for a #web design firm. On top of that I also successfully run my own design business where I have about 10 consistent clients.

I work at least 12 hours a day designing. I can truly say that I love my job. I get to bring other people's ideas and visions to life. I make what they imagine a reality. All of this work pays off too. I drove an 02 Ford Ranger from the age of 15 to 22. It was a great truck but was soooo small. I was finally able to upgrade in February to a brand new Toyota #Tacoma!

I also was able to buy a ring and propose to the #love of my life after 5 years of dating. We are set to get married next September!

This past Wednesday we moved into our first house together. It took everything that I have saved from freelance work but we were able to do it! I will post pictures once we have settled in! Even though I work so hard, I still take time to enjoy life along the way. I go surfing just about every weekend. I still hang out with my friends on the weekends and I still go to concerts a lot. I have come such a long way. I was an 18 year old kid who had no idea where he was going when i first came to college. Now I have graduated, have a great job, have a new truck, a new house and I am engaged to the most beautiful woman on this planet. I was also the first person in my entire family to graduate from college! I didn't come from a rich family or have any kind of help from anyone. I will be paying student loans for a while, but that is all part of it. My success came from plenty of all-nighters, hard work and dedication. As cliche as it may sound, that is what it took. I was #determined to be the best man i could be for my family and for my soon to be wife. I am a lover and a supporter and will do anything for the people i love.

If you want something, do it. Don't talk about doing it, just do it. Even if you are older or younger, it is never too late to turn your life around and set a good path for yourself and the ones you love. I had my# trials and #tribulations but I wanted this to be a positive post. #Success is in reach of everyone of us. You just have to decide how bad you want something. I plan to work even harder than I already have been. My next mission is to start my own brand and eventually run my own design business full time. It may take a little while, but I will do it. Keep a look out for JPiper Designs. Until then, I'm just livin' tha dream.


That first pic is dope man.
Nice post.

Thank you! I am going to start documenting my board sports a lot more.

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