Heading into the Weekend, things to Consider

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Image - sirfer 2.0

Yay! The weekend is here again, and we are all excited, I am excited and so should you. This is a great personal time to reflect, relax and repair. Reflect on how the previous week unfolded, the different activities that you were engaged in, and their outcomes, your roles in those activities. Also, reflect on your overall performance, in key and sensitive areas of your endeavour. When it comes to the relaxing part of the weekend, this is the time you can actually get to wake up a little later than you would during the week. You can afford to turn off your alarm and catch up a few extra hours of sleep. Get well rested a little, as you continue to get ready for a new week.

And lastly, your repair : this is the part where you get to mentally fix yourself up in anticipation of the new week, you get your emotions together, and think of ways to tackle and address the different projects you have to work on in the coming week. Here, you put yourself in a little getting ready to die mode where you predict the future and create a strategy on how to tackle the new challenges that lie ahead.

In this post today, we will look at some exciting things you could do over the weekend that can help you drive these three items, reflect, relax and repair.

Clean and fix your Surroundings

Doing chores around the house is believed to positively impact the mind as first off, it is a great way to do some stretching and moving around while lifting heavy things. It has a great way of impacting our intellect as it improves one’s cognitive ability to solve everyday common problems. No knowledge gained is useless or wasted, you can get valuable insight by fixing one thing or the other, insights you can apply to solve a more complex problem if you fully understand the nitty-gritty of the previous problem you solved.

Sometimes you can dedicate this tasks to a maid or kid or anyone else, that is great, especially if you have a lot on your hands to do, however, it is advisable to find time to engage in some form of domestic chores, it benefits are invaluable. By merely cleaning the house, it can bring about the lose calories of fat by just mopping the living.

Also, there is the added value of the work as well, you have a properly cleaned house by the time you are done with your domestic task, and you will also have a delicious meal awaiting you and family when you are done preparing dinner or breakfast for the whole bunch.

Greet Time to Catch up

We are social animals for a reason, and one of those reasons is because of our sense of community, a recent psychological experiment shows that lonely people than to die faster than people that have family and friend all around time. Thank God weekends are for weddings, it is a great way to socialise, catch up with old friends, meet new people and led a life worth living. Meeting new people can be fun, and can be quite frustrating you, due to their character and predisposition, but all in all, you must meet some annoying people, who might just have the money you are looking for to invest in that amazing product you have.

This is also a great time to spend quality time with your spouse, your kids and your parents. Basically, this is the time you get to be human, in today’s world that rewards business. We have the responsibility to be less busy to the people are being busy to support. Family is everything


A new week awaits, get ready for work, look sharp on the first day of the week, and you will want to resume with a bang! And carry the success to the other days of the week


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Thanks for you reading!


Untuk saudara @aries01 saya harap hal seperti ini jangan anda Ulangi lagi baik pada postingan @yandot maupun Steemian lainnya..nanti anda akan di Flag, karena hal ini dilarang keras..hati-hati dalam ner Interaksi untuk setiap orang dalam #Platform-steemit..
Saya hata anda hapus link postingan anda dari Kolom komentar tersebut, dan berkomentar lah sesuai bahan dan isi Pistingan..dan dari sini saya berharap mau belajar bersama Sahabat EFA... Anda boleh berkunjung dalam discord eSteem untuk mendapatkan Informasinya..ingat disana oun tidak dibenarkan melakukan perbuatan yang seperti ini, dan apabila anda belum punya sakuran diacord eSteem..maka anda langsung bergabung menggunakan tautan link di bawah ini:


Segeralah bergabung..dan harap gunakan nama akun agar kami mudah membantu anda di sana. Sukses selalu untuk @aries01

Terimakasih kawanku telah berbagi informasi buat saya,kawan bagaimana cara menghapusnya saya tidak tau

Menujubakhir pekan, persiapkan lah segala sesuatu nya dengan Matang, bersihkan serta Rapikan dulu tempat tinggal anda sehingga disaat anda kembali pulang ke rumah dari Liburan akhir pekan anda, tidak menambah lagi pekerjaan...sebuah motivasi yang bagus untuk sahabat eSteemian...
Mari berakhir pekan, Nikmati harimu.

Tips yang bagus bang :D semoga akhir pekan nya menyenangkan yaa bang :)

Bagus motivasinya bang @yandot walaupun di hari libur kita perlu juga beraktifitas yang produktif ya, membersihkan rumah atau kamar kita sendiri. Membiasakan diri untuk rajin 😁

Betul sekali itu bang :D meskipun belum ada yang rapikan jadi harus dirapikan sendiri dulu wkwk

Membaca postingan anda saya teringat pesan yang sangat berkesan dari salah seorang ulama madura timur yang menegaskan bahwa hakikat liburan adalah perpindahan dari suatu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yang lain dan hari libur bagi seorang muslim adalah ketika ajal mengetuk pintu hidup tanpa gugup.

Salam kenal dari saya untuk anda, saya steemian baru dari madura yang kini risng bersteemit dan jadi steemian berkat promo-steem yang dilakukan oleh @mghufroncholid31, salam kreatif fari Sampang

Terimakasih telah membaca postingan saya dan telah memberikan sedikit masukan juga . Salam kenal juga dari saya di Aceh dan selamat datang di steemit semoga sukses di sini :)

Terimakasih doanya. Semoga Allah menurunkan berkah dan rejeki melimpah pada kita

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