Nobody Gives a Shit About You

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)
Note: A republishing of a previous post.

The truth is, no one cares about you.

If you still sport those rose-colored glasses from your childhood and think the world is full of good, caring individuals then you’re going to spend most of the next few years disappointed.

You’re going to wake up one day, beaten to a pulp by life, and wonder where all those people who care about you are. The short answer: they aren’t there, and they aren’t coming. You’ll lay in bed for a few hours, seriously considering never getting out of it again. Everything can be delivered today anyway right? So what’s the point?

Some people spend years secretly cursing those around them for not caring enough. Can’t you see I’m struggling! You’ll scream in your head surrounded by friends or family. They see you. But don’t expect them to help you.

Sure, your parents or siblings will come running if you get injured in a car accident or someone breaks into your home and steals all of your belongings. Those are big, traumatic events. An average person has maybe five or so of those moments in their adult life. They last a few days or a couple weeks. But afterwards, everyone goes back to not caring.

The rest of your time on this rock is going to be you experiencing small to medium traumas and you’re going to be the only person who gives a shit to acknowledge them or do anything about it. Dead dog, flat tire, terrible boss, break up, twisted ankle, missed promotion; just a few of the things that you’ll want to reach out for support, and it won’t be there.

We live in a world where the word care is synonymous with commitment. It’s emotional capitalism. Most people avoid expressing their sympathy towards your situation to avoid being thrust into a position of responsibility.

When I graduated college, I was blissfully unaware of the mountain of debt I was sitting on. No one cared to sit me down and explain how college financial aid worked before I started. No one warned me while I was in school that those promissory notes I was signing every semester were loans. I beamed as I walked across the stage and got my diploma. Six months later, the bill came due. $102,000.

As you read this, you probably think I’m looking for sympathy. If so, please read the first line again. I tell you this because I spent the four years after I graduated bemoaning my financial situation. And after four years, still not a single person gave a shit. No one took pity on me and no one offered me an opportunity to change my situation.

It’s youthful naivety, that we’re special and if just one person were to recognize our uniqueness, it would result in an entirely different life.False.

You’re only unique to yourself, and probably your mother. Outside of that, everyone views you like a blurry, peripheral object. Just another person, only focusing on your existence when you’re doing something wrong; like taking too long to order your coffee in the morning or honking at you because you missed the light had turned green two seconds ago.

This is so depressing. You could view it that way. Your reaction to this will be a good test to see which side of the spectrum you currently fall on. The weak will read this and just decide: People suck, only my cat loves me, where’s the ice cream and TV remote?

Don’t be that person. Take me telling you this as an opportunity. Take full responsibility for your life and for your happiness. Accept where you are right now, figure out where you want to go, and design a plan to get there.

No one, I repeat NO ONE, is responsible for your happiness except you.

Your parents can’t make you happy. You’re boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife can’t make you happy. Your pets can’t make you happy. Happiness is an one person show and you’re the lead. Being happy is a choice. Every day you get to choose how your going to live your life.

So read the first line again. Nobody gives a shit about you.

Now what are you going to do about it?

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