How to achieve that which you desire

Its a very simple procedure, not something to worry about but something to be concerned about.

First of all, be cruel and determined (Never take No for an answer).


Let's take for example, A guy and a lady... You are the guy in the picture.
You're trying to get the lady to be yours, you keep trying and she keeps turning you down..
If you let go of the Lady it means you don't really want the lady...

I'm using a lady as an example because that is what entice most guys... Beautiful curvy ladies.


Now the lady is what you want to achieve, just assume that.

In life when you're very close to achieving your goal is the moment when the frustration and temptation will set in... It will be so bad that you'll think it will/can never work out for you...

Like the moment when the lady slaps your face because you keep pestering her, the moment she keeps flaring at you, telling you you're not her type, you can't handle her, you're too small for her, you're not rich enough and whatever her excuse maybe...

At this junction, all you need to do is never to turn back, instead you search for her weak point and strike her through it and never stop pushing till she's yours...

There's one thing ladies like better than money, its care and and protection...

They want you to cuddle them almost all the time and they also like to feel protected... They want to be sure they are save in your hand, they don't want to be deprived of their rights... when you get to study all this things about the lady you're trying to get then you dont have a problem... You just have to work on the qualities she needs in you, try to convince her by impressing her... Yes! Its that easy..

So is success...

Just get to know the reason why its not working out, why you're not getting what you want when you need them so bad... Study all you need to, then work hard enough and you'll find out that its very easy...

Follow the principles of life and you'll get the most out of it, sitting back and giving up at the middle is a double loss for you... The time wasted, the sacrifice made is also a waste, the effort and plus the depression that you still didn't what you really want so bad...

Just keep pushing... Consistency is the key... Somehow, someday, you'll definitely get what you want. If you don't get it now, then its not the right time... Keep at it and wait for the right time... It will never pass you by...


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