UPBEAT: Monday Morning Motivation - 10/29/2018


Good morning and welcome to another week brimming with opportunity and hope!

I must say October 31 and November 5 are looming and not my favourite days in the world.
Halloween and Guy Fawkes don’t do it for me however I need to put that to one side and be ‘Upbeat’ for others!
Speaking of doing things for others our entire edition is all about that today.
Interestingly on that I heard that a couple of Aussie Cops saved a Kangaroo from drowning by performing mouth to mouth!!

Check out our lead story for an amazingly similar event and outcome….right here in the North West of Auckland.
Enjoy my R.O.A.K challenge this week, I look forward to hearing all about them soon.
Have a happy fun filled week ahead and take extra special care of others and yourself.



Some things have to be seen to be believed and my wifes recent rescue of a Pukeko was right up
there with the best of them.After noticing one struggling to free itself from a barb wire fence she
insisted we turn around so she could help!Admittedly I was initially reluctant however what transpired
was nothing short of inspiring.Christine managed to untangle the distraught bird and although it was
quite badly injured she amazingly coaxed it back to full noise and safety.All I can hope is that our son
grows up with his Mothers unconditional will to help rather than his Fathers nonchalance!
Fletcher reckons;his Mum is a legend and maybe should intro a bird rescue ambulance service?
Something funny…….Auckland Rugby have struggled for years to attract spectators to games at
Eden Park.This is due to a number of factors;Poor team performances,admission pricing, and game
time scheduling.So for Saturdays National Championship final they made admission free to everyone
with a 4.05pm kick off.Not surprisingly the result was a walk up crowd of 20,000 Aucklanders
including heaps of kids who made enough noise to encourage their home team to win a long overdue
National title.A great result all round and hopefully some things to think about and change for future
seasons,Fletcher and I had a great time cheering ourselves hoarse for the mighty Aucks!
I hope life is inspiring,exciting and enjoyable for you too, have a good weeek ahead…Cheers Jonesey.
Kate and Lily reckon Pukekos have never been that smart….unlike dogs of course!

Mighty Aucks.jpg


“Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.”

I have talked about the importance of random acts of kindness (R.O.A.K) before.
They can take many forms both personal and business and dont have to be complicated.
ROAKs can be planned or impromptu and either way they have an amazing impact.
The entire BNZ Bank network are ‘closed for good’ on a business day annually where they go into the
community and assist a customer business or a ‘not for profit ‘ organisation randomly for a day.
This is a tremendous and selfless initiative that has a huge effect on the community at large.
Recently we assisted one of our customers to help one of their customers in desperate need.
Their random gesture resulted in money being raised to clear debt, pay for ongoing hospital
treatment and facilitate the donation of a vessel to a youth sailing program for girls.
This outcome came from a simple offer of help from a team of concerned and committed people.
I know of a number of businesses that encourage and support their staff to coach kids teams.
This comes in the form of allowing them time to do this and through various levels of sponsorship.
Taking a leaf out of my wifes book I stopped recently when walking up a hill to ask a gentlemen who
had also stopped and looked to be out of breath if he was ok?He was fine but thanked me warmly.
That simple gesture had a dual effect making us both feel good for the asking and the appreciating.
I know if the Pukeko could speak she(or he) would have been most appreciative of the help.
I also know for a fact that we all (my own blasé self included) felt pretty good about it all day!
So what is a ROAK?, it is any random selfless gesture small, medium or large you want it to be.
It is something you don’t have to do but are compelled to because of a willingness, a desire or a drive
from deep within to help someone or something……some classic examples exist above.
So what are you waiting for?try for one a week then two then daily,write and tell me about them!

“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.”

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