in #motivation7 years ago

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Do what others say can’t be done

Find a giant and slay then match forward with the prize. Always pick an obstacle big enough that it matters when you overcome it until you give yourself to that great cause you haven’t begun to fully live. Day by day, year-in-year-out broaden your horizon.
Dorothea Brandy stated;

All that is necessary to break the inertia and frustration is this: act as if it were impossible to fail.

In addition, Henry Miller opined that;

The man who looks for security even in the mind is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which would never give him pain or trouble.

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Only hungry minds can grow, if you're not hungry for success then you definitely can't grow, the biggest room one should have is the room for self-improvement and correction; an important way to keep growing is to never stop asking questions, the person who is afraid of asking questions is ashamed of learning and succeeding, learn as if you’ll live forever, live as if there is no tomorrow and do more as if you’ll die tomorrow.
It was W. Diesel MN who said;

Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader.

Harvey Ullman puts it so wonderfully when said;

Anyone who stops learning is old whether this happened at 20 or 90. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young but becomes consistently more valuable regardless of physical capacity.

No matter what the level of your ability, you have been given more potential than you can possibly use in your lifetime. Don’t let the future be that time you wish you had done what you aren’t doing now.

If the shoes fit, don’t wear it

Never live within your means, when you decide to live within your means, you’re deciding to live an average life, never let fear of enlarging your horizon deter you from doing more, fear simply mean:

F- False
E- Evidence
A- Appearing
R- Real

None of the secrets of success will work unless you 'work', you cannot become successful if you base your life on the theory of success, apply the practicals which involve you doing some work.’

David Boy said;

Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.

That faith to move mountains always carries a pick, rising above mediocrity never just happens; it’s always as a result of faith combined with work. Bernard Shaw mused;

When I was young I observed that nine out of every ten things I did were failures. So I surrender times more work.

Tap into the power that is produced when faith is mixed with action and then watch your situation change.

Believe in yourself and let each obstacle you face five you to go to the next level. No obstacle will leave you the way it found you; it's either you're better or worse.

You can always measure a man by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage him

Always strive to bring the best out of others.


To succeed faster you must make someone else succeed first.

Contributing Author: @cheryldavis

This article is a community contribution to the @steemit-uyo community-based blog.

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apply the practicals which involve you doing some work.’

This line made my heart beat a bit faster.
I realised many a times a lot of folks are full more knowledge and not wisdom.

I mean they know but cannot or will not do anything about what they know thus they really have not made any significant growth in their lifes.

It kinda reminds me of a quote i saw in @samstickkz handwriting

The Observer: 2013: Heard about it.
2014: Read about it. 2015: Thinking about it. 2016: Saw it on TV. 2017: Tried to understand it. 2018: Thought about investing. ..
2022: Bought $100 worth. I own 100 satoshis!

I agree 99.8% with you on this sir

Tap into the power that is produced when faith is mixed with action and then watch your situation change

Thanks for your thoughts

Believe in yourself and let each obstacle you face five you to go to the next level. No obstacle will leave you the way it found you; it's either you're better or worse.

Wow... All my life, I've been living on this principle... The principle of Self-confidence... I know my capacity is limitless and I can achieve anything i set my mind on if and only if I believe in myself even when the world doesn't.....

Too much motivation. Thanks

You're welcome

I'm indeed motivated

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