in #motivation6 years ago

We’re only here for a time, and life is too short to waste. If you’re not enjoying most of your ‘living moments’ right now but you’re not doing anything about it… it’s time to change before it’s too late.

When I was growing up, I remember my mother saying dozens of times, “Live your life so that at the end of it you’ll have no regrets.”

Alas for way to long I ignored her advice.

It has taken the shock of ill health to wake me up to what she tried to teach me.

Now I believe in living life so that at the end of it you have no regrets.

Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right. Harry “Breaker” Harbord Morant

But be warned don’t leave it too late. One thing that I have become acutely aware of through this period of ill health is how uncertain our future is and more so how precious the time we have is.

Who knows how long we have until we draw our last breath?
There are things that I’ve committed to since I made the decision that I would leave nothing for me to regret at that moment I am no more.

” The secret of the change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building a the new”. Socrates

The majority of the time, many of us live as if there will be no end to our days. We stay in unfulfilling careers. We remain in unhappy relationships. We tell ourselves that we will travel the world one day but never will. We fail to tell people how much they matter to us. We hide our true selves from the world because we are scared of being judged and criticized. We can’t afford to waste any more time.

We need to realise life is short, precious and the most valuable asset to be treasured;
Life is too short to waste. We must enjoy the time we have here.

We have built lives where we are just too busy. This disease of being “busy” is destroying our lives. It exhausts us and robs us of the ability to be fully present with those we love.

We allow our life to move at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it.
Although it might not always feel like it, life is ridiculously short. It probably wouldn’t mean much or be worth much if it lasted forever. Because it’s so short, with the limited time that you have, I recommend creating something worthwhile, and if you dare, something amazing.

Think of your life as a major project, with a deadline. Every day, every week, month and year, you get the opportunity to either work on improving it, piece by piece, one section at a time or you can sit back and watch it corrode away.

That’s life. At some point, you have to be improving just to stay where you are.

At the end of it all, you will get to look at your project in its entirety, the life you’ve created, and how you will feel will depend on how good of a job you think you did compared to whatever standard you live by.

Regardless of the outcome, will you be satisfied knowing you did what you could or will you be filled with regret knowing you could’ve easily done a better job?

Life is too short to delay getting started. Forget New Years or your next birthday or whatever life event you’re waiting to occur. If there is something you want to do, to create, to experience in this life, start doing it NOW because whatever it is you’re waiting to happen before beginning might not ever happen. Then what? Squander your life away just waiting and waiting and waiting?

The deadline for this project is unknown. It can be due at ANY moment. So for the love of life, stop waiting and get started!


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