I just took one step and saved trillions of money!

in #motivation7 years ago

Life is mystery and chance as well, chance to prove who you are, chance to fulfill all desires, chance to show your creativity to the world and if you mishandle your chance's over. All dreams, desires, opportunity's over.

To save yourself, to achieve your desires. You must be alive, and if you are no more, what's your desire, dreams for? Getting addicted to things that can danger your life, can take your life and how can you save yourself? And how i saved trillions of money and what do i mean, i know you thinking same! LOL! Money cant buy life and i saved my life which i called trillions of money above.

What step i took?

BTW, i mean getting addicted to smoking leads your life in danger, and how can you improve it?

VAPE, pretty new to the market and lots of people don't know about it, its same as Cigg it contain Nicotine. But, how you are gonna use that depends on you.

So what sort of chemicals are present in SMOKING? 

Nicotine – The addictive chemical, gives the user the desire to want more. When people say they’re addicted to smoking, they’re addicted to nicotine.

Hydrogen Cyanide






Carbon Monoxide


Poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

This can kill you in certain period of time, more than 480000 people in US die of smoking per year. That's a ridiculous news for chain smoker. So, what's saving trillions, trillions of money called? I just mean, you can save your very life. So how vape saves your life? The same smoke, right?


Nicotine – The addictive chemical, gives the user the desire to want more. When people say they’re addicted to smoking, they’re addicted to nicotine.

Propylene Glycol (Vegetable oil)

Vegetable Glycerol



Very good chemicals compared to Cig.  Compared to smoking, the studies suggest that vaping has a significantly lower level of health and safety risks.

COST Implications

Smoking – A pack of 20 cigarettes costs around $13 in. We can assume that, the average smoker will purchase 5 packs a week 65$ adding up to around 260$ a month or 3120$ a year (and pack-a-day smoker will spend even more – $4368, not counting the health-related costs and increased insurance prices).

Vaping – To purchase an e-cigarette starter kit that will last at least a year, you would have to spend around $50, this is the most expensive part of vaping. Once you’ve purchased a vape starter kit, you can expect to spend around $15 per week for a bottle of juice (if you vape a lot), $60 a month or $720 a year.


First one you saved your life, congratulations, secondly you saved money and lastly you are allowed in public places and within parents of your type. :D LOL!

Just a bit sharing of my experience to save yourself form this activity, if you find interesting, good, helpful, inspiring, please help me as much as you can!

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