Steem Motivation: I am proud to be Young farmer (Bilingual)

in #motivation7 years ago

All friends steemian. This moment I would like to discuss a story of the experience a young village who has passive income.His name Zulkarnaen, here is lived in the village Meuko Buloh Pidie Jaya, Aceh Indonesia, always busy as teacher at MIN Jangka Buya school, so interesting here he is also a farmer. Here is some information from his experience.

Rice planting.
Farmers in Meuko Buloh Village always prepare rice seeds to be transferred to paddy fields. With this kind of seedling system, one hectare of paddy field takes 25 kg of rice seed. Instead of manugal or scatter system, it takes 60 kg to 75 kg of seed per hectare.
Seedling of rice seeds is ready to be transferred to paddy fields. With this kind of seedling system, one hectare of paddy field takes 25 kg of rice seed. Instead of manugal or scatter system, it takes 60 kg to 75 kg of seed per hectare.

said Zulkarnain "I am proud to be a Rice Farmer and I am proud to be a young man of meuko Buloh Village". Because the village has a large agricultural land. Villagers plant rice. So our villagers never buy rice. We eat their own crops .., "said alumni of Muhammadiyah University of Aceh students.

Zulkarnaen also said that "Our village is remote, but safe and peaceful. Because we are not short of food. There's rice, there's fish and there's coconut. "

The village government noted that the agricultural land belonging to the people of Sabuai village is about 745 hectares. That figure does not include the property of an individual outside the village Meuko Buloh, If ditotal, the stretch of land that is now processed into food farms by the population reached 2,000-kehtare.

He noted, if the land area reaches 745 hectares, the fact in the field of planting area could be only 450 hectares. And the harvest area is probably only 300 haktare. "Because planting by way of scattered / spread, then that grows unevenly. Especially after growing, the grass is not cleaned. So the rice plant lost to the grass. Harvest is also not optimal, "said Mr. Zul.

this great young man claimed besides working as an educator also aspires to become a successful entrepreneur. "I want to be a successful entrepreneur," said a young man who had studied at the Muhammadiyah University of Aceh. And, of course that is a successful entrepreneur in the field of agriculture.
sahabat steemit, kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang cerita pengalaman seorang pemuda desa yang memiliki income aktif dan pasif.namanya Zulkarnain tinggal di desa Meuko Buloh Pidie Jaya, Aceh Indonesia, kesibukan hari harinya sebagai pendidik di sekolah MIN Jangka Buya, nah yang menarik disini adalah beliau juga seorang petani. Berikut beberapa informasi dari pengalaman beliau.

penanaman Padi.
Petani di Desa Meuko Buloh selalu mempersiapkan benih padi untuk dipindahkan ke lahan sawah. Dengan sistem semai seperti ini, satu hektare lahan sawah butuh 25 kg benih padi. Sebaliknya sistem manugal atau hambur, butuh 60 kg hingga 75 kg benih per hektare.
Persemaian benih padi telah siap dipindahkan ke lahan sawah. Dengan sistem semai seperti ini, satu hektare lahan sawah butuh 25 kg benih padi. Sebaliknya sistem manugal atau hambur, butuh 60 kg hingga 75 kg benih per hektare.

kata Zulkarnain "Saya bangga Menjadi Petani Padi dan saya bangga menjadi anak Desa meuko Buloh". Karena desa ini memiliki lahan pertanian yang luas. Warga desa menanam padi. Sehingga orang desa kami tidak pernah membeli beras. Kami makan hasil panen sendiri..,” kata alumni mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh.

Zulkarnaen juga mengatakan bahwa “Desa kami terpencil, tetapi aman dan tenteram. Karena kami tidak kekurangan makan. Ada padi, ada ikan dan ada kelapa."

Pemerintah Desa mencatat, lahan pertanian yang menjadi milik warga desa Sabuai ada sekitar 745 hektare. Angka itu belum termasuk milik perorarang dari luar desa Meuko Buloh, Jika ditotal, bentangan lahan yang kini diolah menjadi lahan pertanian pangan oleh warga mencapai 2.000-an kehtare.

Dicotohkannya, jika luas lahan mencapai 745 hektare, fakta di lapangan luas tanamnya bisa jadi hanya 450-an hektare. Dan kemungkinan luas panennya hanya 300 haktare. “Karena menanam dengan cara dihambur/ditebar, maka yang tumbuh tidak merata. Apalagi setelah tumbuh, rumput tidak dibersihkan. Maka tanaman padi kalah dengan rumput. Panennya juga tidak maksimal,” kata pak Zul.

pemuda hebat ini mengaku disamping bekerja sebagai pendidik juga bercita-cita menjadi pengusaha yang sukses. “Saya ingin menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses,” kata anak muda yang pernah belajar di Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh. Dan, tentu yang dimaksud adalah pengusaha yang sukses di bidang pertanian.images.png

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