Life Is Like Art

in #motivation6 years ago


They say that life is beautiful, but that really true? If you have ever wondered just how it is that life can be beautiful when there is so much pain and suffering in the world, and perhaps in your life as well, you are not alone. I have often wondered, especially during the difficult times of my life where the beauty of life is, and why it is hidden from me if at all it exists.

Well, I am about to tell you something you already know. Life really is beautiful, and beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. I will get into that in a moment.

Life is like a piece of art. What makes a piece of art beautiful is the light and the dark together. In the same way, what makes life beautiful is the combination of both dark and light. If you covered a sheet of paper completely with black paint, would you consider it a beautiful piece of art, or would you see nothing more that a black rectangle? If you took another sheet but you left this one bare, would you consider that beautiful or would you just see it as a white rectangle or perhaps just a boring plain piece of paper?

If you were to take that plain sheet of paper and you drew something on it, something that you would see as beautiful, what is it that would cause you to see that beauty? There are two things that will cause you to see beauty in a piece of art and in life. The first is the combination of dark and light, and the second is meaning. The dark alone does not give beauty because alone it has not meaning, and neither does the light. The light gives beauty to the dark, and the dark gives beauty to the light. Without the light, the dark has not beauty because it has no meaning, and without dark, the light has no beauty because it too has not meaning on its own.

Art, just like life, can only be beautiful when there is light and dark, when there is meaning. Two people can look at the same piece of art, and one person sees beauty while the other sees all that is ugly. This is because of the meaning they arrived at. The first person arrived at a beautiful meaning and therefore saw beauty in the art. The second person arrived at a meaning that was ugly and because of that, the art could only ever be a waste of paint and canvas. Life is the same. The awesome thing is that you can choose the meaning, and therefore, you can choose how much beauty you choose to see in your life.

Share this with someone you love, because by doing that, you can help them see the beauty in the masterpiece that is their life.

Con todo mi cariño

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