Do You Want Success? Ask More Questions?

in #motivation6 years ago

Trees With Question Marks

Do you want to have a success in your life? I cannot possibly know what success looks like to you, but whatever it is that you imagine when you think about success, you can have that. If succeeding is important to you, you might want to check out this episode of my podcast about how asking questions will give you success

In the story that is your journey to success, you will almost inevitably encounter some challenges. Some people call there encounter's failure, and by giving them this label, they give away all of the power they have to find a solution. As a result of giving away their power, they feel helpless and give up. Be honest, has this ever happened to you? Think back to the last time you wanted to achieve something, but you ended up giving up on it. Did you find the going hard? When you reached an obstacle that felt difficult to overcome, did it feel like you failed? All failures have one thing in common, they are nothing more than opportunities in disguise.

You can achieve anything you want to achieve. You are more than capable of doing , having or being whatever your heart desires. All you need is a method that will get you what you want. There is somebody who has achieved the very thing that you want to achieve. This means that there is a winning recipe that, if you use, can and will give you what you want. Failing give you an opportunity to find that recipe. It exists, and all you have to do is to find it.

By asking questions, you open your mind up to the possibilities that are around you. The better the question you ask, the better the answer you will get. Asking more questions gives you more data to work with, and this allows you to discover the winning way much sooner. Ask more questions if you want success.


Hi! Interesting point of view. Sometimes, however, it is good to give up what you wanted in the past. ;)
We can verify, over time, what we wanted in the past is still valid. That is why I believe that the method is not the most important one, but good contact with oneself and flexibility. I'm curious what do you think about this? ;)

You are 100% right. Sometimes what you wanted in the past isn't what is best for you now. Most people are not in touch with themselves. Again, I agree with you that the how is not the most important thing. The why is the most important thing and for you to truly understand your why, you need to know who you truly are.

By knowing who you are, you are able to know what things you value most in your life, and by knowing what you value most, you are able to take the actions you need to have more of it. I do not meaning physical things, but I mean the intangible things like having peace of mind, fulfillment, happiness, love, personal growth, giving back, certainty, adventure, creativity... I could go on.

By knowing who you are at your core, you will know what things you value. If you value peace of mind for example, you may want to achieve something that will give you greater peace of mind. The "why "is peace of mind, and the "what" could be financial freedom. The "how" could be a dog grooming business. The "how" matters, but not as much as the what and certainly not as much as the why. Today, running a dog grooming business may feel like the best path to having the financial freedom that you hope will give you the peace of mind that you want. In time you may discover that owning a dog grooming business does not give you any peace of mind, but it does the opposite.

The method is important, but it can never be more important than the original "why".


Thank you for your answer! I agree with you!
I wonder if you have any proven methods to get to know yourself better? Maybe this is a good idea for the next article? :)

That is indeed a fantastic idea. Thank you for that. I will work on it.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook not so good

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