At the other side of the night is the sun

in #motivation7 years ago


Hey guys, i know i´ve been disconneted for a while, actually for longer than i would like.
I´m the kind of person who thinks that things happen for a reason.

And because of that im here again to say a few words from the heart to all of those who
have been through something similar.

The world is a not so nice place!

I know it´s weird that i start saying this but i feel that if i have a little bit of responsability i have to.
As human beings we´re all obligated to live in society, unless you´re a hermit who live in the peak of a mountain, in that case i don´t think you´re even reding this.

But for the rest of us who lives in house and have neighbors, or go to school, or practice any sport, or anything that makes you see other people, we have to understand that we´re not alone, we´re all part of a big network of people using each other for different things.
Don´t get me wrong, i don´t mean that i´m a cold heartstoned person who think people are jus tools.

All of us are part of the great picture

We can´t just simply say that we don´t wanna be part of anything, as humans, we were born to make groups of mutual help, it´s in our DNA. Because we knew that in union is the strengh.

As a person who have been dealing with the problem of feeling lonely since i have memory, i should say my childhood wasn´t like the most of the kids around me, it crushed my heart every time in my classroom someone made a party and never invited me, or mondays i had to listen what they´ve make in the weekend and i didn´t made anything.

But still in my current days, i decided not to look back at a sad past, i stand up to make my life with no strings from back then, because life isn´t about suffering, we have to show the world our best face, our best clothes, our best selfs.
Maybe you can encounter with unpleasent people in your path, and belive me, i did although i don´t go out there waiting to meet the next one who screw my life.

The ligh at the end of the night

Besides i haven´t a lot of firends, or my last relationship have been a disaster, i have a lot to be gratefull, i´ve met a lot of interesting people, i have made nice freindships, that lasted what the had to last, and the most exciting part is that despite everything, i´m capable to look back and realize how much i´ve change, i´m not the same i was five years ago, i imagine if i talk to my old self, he would be sorprised about what i have done in this time.

I decided to write about this today to say everyone that no matter how alone you feel, how sad you feel, how crushed your hearts are, that won´t last forever, life always brings a little spark of light, if you´re attent and not laying in your sadness.

At the other side of the night is the sun

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Cheer up! I've been the power of vulnerability, it's sad to sit in the dark - but the reality is you're not alone and vulnerability is also a birth place for love, authenticity, ​connection, ​and courage!

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