Things that can change your life (read it for the memes, if nothing)
I am going to share some lessons I have learnt lately.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
On so many occasions, I end up not doing something because I think I am too late to start. I was too shy to make friends at work in the first couple days. Those days turned into weeks and weeks into months and I thought, "Well, it is too late to go and introduce myself now! What the hell, right? I cannot do it!" We have all been in similar situations, right? In that moment, we should avoid our gut feeling and our better judgement dive right in and do the thing anyway!
I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know
Treat people like knowledge banks. There is something to learn from everyone. Consume all their knowledge. Here's what Kevin Brogan had to say about Elon Musk on the topic:
"‘I thought at first that he was challenging me to see if I knew my stuff. Then I realized he was trying to learn things. He would quiz you until he learned ninety percent of what you know.’"

Nothing creates more stress than when our actions and behaviors aren’t congruent with our values.
Don't expect too much of yourself. Take a break, get a beer with friends and chill! Life is not all about work, it is also about building relationships and being happy. Take life as it comes and don't live under constant stress, life is too short to live under constant stress.

Think long term and be committed
Imagine if you were given a choice between taking $3 million in cash this very instant and a single penny that doubles in value every day for 31 days, which would you choose? Do the math, or well, take my word for it - you'll cross $10 million dollars in 31 days. Sure, you'll only have ~10,000 after the first 20 days and most people will stop trying at this point but keep going.

@mehtamanan I found your post amazing! Very useful and I will follow your advice in my life.
Thank you for posting
I am really glad it helps! I will keep posting :')
This post should meet my latest post. They could be related somehow. You should check it out ;)
I love it. Excellent read!
I just read your post and I really liked it :) We should do a common blog post sometime if you're up for it.
Thank you @mehtamanan. Sounds fun ;)
This is a really great post, very insightful. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for reading! I will keep sharing more :)
This post put into words a lot of the thoughts that I've discovered about my own life! It's never to late to try absolutely anything and I think that the most important part of this post (and something more people need to realize) is that we don't need to all take life so seriously! Like you said, crack open a cold one with your friends and build/strengthen those relationships. There's a good chance that's where your happiness is going to come from :)
V true! No matter what people say, I believe happiness comes from sharing and building relationships :)
That is my belief as well!!
True, life is about building bridges/relationships, and sometimes we burn bridges, however, those may light the path to a better adventure!
V true! I used to be under constant stress and I used work all day for an escape... that is until I watched 'Into the wild' and it changed the way I looked at things. It's a lovely movie if you haven't watched it yet (it gets boring inbetween but the ending is so eye opening)