Health is Wealth Appreciate Live and Be Glad that you Are Healthy- Here is Why!

in #motivation7 years ago

Hello steam community, hope you are busy steering? Any way something happened to me today that made me really thank God that I was healthy.

I mean we really never appreciate the fact that we are healthy and not stricken with any form of disease or disorder as the years roll by. Trust me being sick isn't what anyone needs to experience on a full scale and for long or at all, though at one point in time it might happen.

Alright so today, I got up as usually, got ready for work and left the house. When I got to work, I quickly settled down, in anticipation for the days challenges.

For those who are reading my post for the first time, I work in a Clinical and diagnostic center, where my function is but not limited to running Medical examinations for the Brain (Electroencephalogram or EEG) and the heart (Electrocardiogram or ECG).





So thats what the machines look like for those who don't know or haven't seen them before, this should sure education you a bit on Steem. The incident, that happened was while I ran the EEG .

Back to the incident, my first patients was a boy about 12year of age. After entering his details, I called patient I ( the boy and his family members) only two family members allowed in so they can give history of the patient and other required assistance I.e control/ restrain the patient who some times are agitated.

As the boy staggered to the door, which wasn't far from the reception so there was no need for a wheeled chair, I took with keen interest and a broken heart as his father held him from the right whilem the mom the left, trying to support him, still his legs wobbled underneath him.

His head shifted unsteadily, like he was been vibrated or being shaking by some invisible hands. I could see streams of saliver like rhe river Nile from his month as he smiled sheepishly at no particular humour. He was as if born an imbecile, but I would come to find out soon that he was actually born a Normal and healthy kid.

Turning my yes to the parents, I could see the shame and argony they went through as they walked towards me heads bent, it was so obvious and written all them

In order to lift the atmosphere i quickly went in to action, check the boys weight, entered further details, connected the sensors to the EEG cap on the boy a head. While I did this, I engaged the parent in a conversation to know the prognosis of the boys present mental state.

The mother was first to speek as she addressed me in Hausa language; she told me that the boy was normal at birth, had no illness of any kind. He grew up and was smart, intelligent and strong, until he was six (6years old).

She added that on the night of his sixth year birth day he work up shouting, jerking and convulsing. And that ever since then his mental capacity has degenerated daily to the point he lost his ability to speek, motor control (this means his movement was not coordinated), no control over his bladder and became aggressive ( he could destroy everything at home and has unimaginable strength)

The father, added that, for the past 6 year that the have been to over 20 different hospital and spent thousands and thousands of naira. With tears in his eyes, he said, in search for a solution they had gone to the natural, spirtual and Orthodox and that the boy (Idriss) was all he had.

I was pained at all I heard, though I've heard worse on the job, but I couldn't particularly place why I felt so bad myself.

To make matter worse the patient had to be restrained as he was agitated, and before when got through half way, a stench of urine and faeces filled the room. I could see the fathers face as the urine soaked his trousers since his son was sited on his laps as he tried his best to restrain him. He motioned to me with his head to make sure I noted the poor bladder control.

When I was don't and had sent them on their way, I pondered and pondered and came to a realisation, live of precious

live is precious, you never no when its going to end or what might happen the next minute, you might be dancing today and tomorrow you lose your legs, you might be drinking and tomorrow you are nomore. Live more do more, we never know what the future holds in store for us. So therefore, let's live like there is no tomorrow but don't forget to also live for others

Treat no one bad

I don't know about you, but I have just started living the life



Yes,health is wealth

Quite a touching story about idris there..... Did he get better?... What became of him.......???

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