Fake motivation

in #motivation7 years ago

I probably will sound like Grinch stealing Christmas, but I don’t buy into all the fluffy, look how happy you will be if you read this motivational quote or how this happy story will uplift your spirit into land of unicorns, rainbows and where candy will fall as rain from the sky.

You know why so many times you fail to remember to be yourself and feel lost? It is because you have never found yourself and you know very little of yourself. It is scary. I know. Maybe you turn out to be just a blab into empty space.

Instead of doing the scary thing, you choose to stick to comforting ideas, stolen from fake internet gurus and you are so sure you understand the meaning of those words, they resonate deep within your soul you know nothing about. You apply layers upon layers of fake on top of your core, because diving deep is depressing and lonely. Fake it till you make it, right?

It is so easy to take something ready, already packaged and simply apply to your life. In fact, we are encouraged to do so every day. Here is the perfect thing, the magic solution to all your problems, you won’t have to break a sweat or go through hell and suffer.

How about stop deluding yourself and go to work? Motivation will not arrive to your doorstep and all of a sudden inspire you to do things. Screw fear. Decide and act.

Song of the day: Dihaj - Skeletons
Thought of the day: Making decision is power
Tiny happiness of the day: Thirteen hour, guilt free sleep


Oh Hells Yeah. Motivation will NEVER work unless you do. You can be motivated AF and still sit on your couch watching Hulu all day.

Hey @katniawatkins! Thank you :)

Yes, exactly. Usually you won't be motivated at all, because it is nice and comfortable sitting in that couch. Hehe

Exactly lol. Like you're going to die one day. Do something with your life while you have it.

I don't think you sound like the Grinch at all. You sound like a Who. The Grinch is all of the people who are looking for the "fix my life" schemes. Reading a book on happiness... as if you can be taught. Picking up a trendy hobby... as if happiness can be earned. Even the Grinch took what he thought brought happiness to others... and found that it was no good for him. Yet the Who's kept on singing. They... are you. They don't look to outside things to make them happy. They're happy because they have relationships that matter. One of the biggest warning signs for a person struggling with joy is when someone else says "You know what would make you happy?" Inevitably this is followed with what makes THEM happy. What we need, is to find people who are true. Who are interested in us and whom we can be interested in. Some of my best friends do not share my hobbies, do not share my profession, do not even share my philosophies or politics. But we share each other. I am generally interested in what they think, why they think it, and the things that bring them joy. Not because I want to emulate them, but because they, in return, show an interest in me. They listen, and maybe give some thoughts or some insight brought from their own, very different experiences. We need people to encourage and celebrate who we are. And, of course, you have to work, to be disciplined... just as you said. But I don't believe that by sharing the truth you are a Grinch. I think you are leading us all to be Whos... Thanks for your insight and wisdom.

Thank you @drwillwho! It is wonderful how you tied it together with Whos and Grinch.

I agree with you one hundred procent, it is very important to find people who are true and are interested in us, same us in them. It is beautiful that we are not all the same and still have friendships.

I was actually thinking recently how different we both are, also in respect to our expression here on steemit, and how epic that is. It would be dreadfully boring if we had close to identical contents, but that couldn't be further from the truth. ^^

I absolutely detest the simplicity and insincerity of motivational quotes. I’m even more bothered by misquotes and mis-attributed quotes. It’s all just thin frosting on a spoiled cake (you can quote me if you like).

Well said, I found that discipline is way more powerful than motivation, doing things you don't want to do, no matter how you feel.

@karolisp Thank you! :)

I agree with you about discipline. If you stick to discipline it is so much more to operate. It was like that with running for me. There were days I did not want to get out of bed, but I still did, because of discipline.

This is a great post! Most of the people usually think that everything is given . No its not you have to work hard for it and the only thing that can stop you is YOU!

@bicata Thank you! :) So many times we stop ourselves, our silly inbuilt fear. It keeps us alive, but also robes us a lot of times.

The fear of failure holds many people back from embarking on the journey of success, or action. The hand-out society we live in doesn’t help either. A motivational quote posted in Facebook won’t actually motivate, that’s for sure. A person needs to understand thei “why” before they can take action.

Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default

Thank you for your support @galenkp!

I know for sure that each time I hesitate to do something it is out of fear of failure. It impairs my ability to function sometimes. I also know at that moment of hesitation I have to push myself harder past fear, make a quick decision and act. Sometimes I even know I should do certain things, but still hesitate.

It’s an affliction that affects most of us. The great thing is that you recognize it and know when it strikes you. That’s sometimes harder than actually dealing with it.

Keep striving, keep those feet moving on that path and the right things will happen. 🤓

Indeed - there is not a single magic motivational piece that will fix all of your problems.

Hey @justinw! Hope you had a pleasant trip back home from Steemfest :)

Why do people keep looking for those? Hope? Something comforting?

I did need to hear this. Thank you.

Hey little one @josie2214! Hope you are doing well?

Just do, do, do :)

I am.. good. Slightly wanting to jump ahead a bit in time, to next year already, but quite alright otherwise. :) ^^

inspiring...actions speaks louder than words...

I did need to hear this.

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