5 Ways to Set the Example
It is important to set the example for others. The principle of leading by example is very powerful and is a powerful way to build credibility. In our next class, we'll explore how to inspire a shared vision. By setting an example, we can influence others to align their actions with our values. Below are some ways we can do this:
As a leader, you must live by your values. Your actions must reflect the shared values of your group. In addition, you must educate others to live up to those values. For instance, if you teach your team about ethics, you must model this behavior. If you don't, they won't follow your example, and it will be difficult for them to influence others. The same principle applies to student leaders. You must be an example.
Encourage them to ask for help
To make learning easier, students must be encouraged to seek help and to understand that they will be supported when they do. Failing to do so can negatively affect academic performance, self-esteem, and access to learning in the future. There are several reasons why students are resistant to asking for help. By encouraging them to ask for help, you will enable them to develop stronger self-advocacy skills and develop a more resilient mindset.
One common internal barrier to learning is pride and fear. Excessive pride and imposter syndrome blind people from seeking help. In addition, doing everything by yourself can strike our ego. Asking for help saves us time and gives us the chance to learn from our mistakes. If we don't ask for help, we will never learn. Instead, we can be more successful by using other people's mistakes as lessons.