FORGIVENESS: One of the Keys of Break Through

in #motivation7 years ago

The need for a breakthrough  usually denotes we are in a place of frustration,hurt or even desperation. It all seems to no avail because the awaited breakthrough has yet to arrive. We want to get through to the next level,but nothing we do seems to get us there. You have to learn and implement the first step of my formula,which is forgiveness.

I had to learn to forgive those who did not even show remorse for theirH wrongdoing. You have to learn to forgive others, if you are going to experience your breakthrough. Who is it that wronged you and you have not forgiven them? Is it your mom, dad, ex-husband/wife, parents, son, daughter, neighbour, friends, employer, etc.? Not extending forgiveness holds people down. A lack of forgiveness is a thing that keeps people from breaking through to the next level. It is crucial that you learn to forgive others.

Have learnt that life was not fair from experience. Now, am saying the same thing to you concerning how unfair life seems to be, especially when we need a break.

It is simple, yet true, "Life is not fair."  Life is not fair,but God is fair (though at times it doesn't seem like it).

"One day, all the unfair things will be made right,but as long as you're in this life,you have to understand life is not fair".

You need to learn to forgive others. You need to learn to forgive life. You may even need to forgive God. When unexplainable things happen and we feel like ,"God,why did you let this happen,why didn't you stop my abusers,why did you let my loved one die before their time (our estimation)?"

Sometimes bad things happen to good people for no apparent reason and we are tempted to wonder and ask God why? If you think God has done something that's not right,then you just need to forgive Him. Not that God needs your forgiveness(His ways are above our ways), but you need to do it because you need to have a breakthrough. You will never have a break through unless you learn to practice the principle of extending forgiveness.

Sometimes you have to forgive yourself. I say this because you have tried things and you have failed. You tried again and you failed. We all let ourselves down and do not always perform as we would feel we could or should.

If you are like me, I am a "type A" driven personality. I have high goals dreams and aspirations. I have times when i let myself down (how about you?). If you are not careful,you will get upset with yourself,you have to learn to forgive yourself for not reaching your goals,dreams and/or aspirations.

You have to forgive yourself for the crazy mistake that you did or the down out wrong that you committed. For some people,the forgiveness of self is the greatest thing that they will ever learn. I know it was one of the hardest things for me to learn. I was always extra hard on myself. I am free to do better because I have balanced the hardness with forgiveness.

Why do i keep pressing the need to forgive yourself and others? A lack of forgiveness is negative energy that can hold you back. By the way, that negative energy is the thing that keeps you locked in the prison. The key that unlocks the prison doors is in your possession;it is the key of forgiveness. please, use it now so you can go free!

Although heart disease has been identified as the #1 killer, doctors are finding out that anger, ad bitterness are actually tied to the cause of heart malfunctioning. The root of anger can be traced to a lack of forgiveness. Someone said, "Bitterness does more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than the victim on whom it is poured." When you have hate/anger within, the person you hurt the most is yourself. Drinking poison and looking for someone else to get sick is akin to anger, resentment and bitterness. The old African proverb says it best, "if there's no enemy within,the enemy without,can do you no harm." you have been hurt enough .Now is the time for you to experiece your breakthrough.

There have been times when simply writing a letter has assisted me in experiencing a breakthrough in the area of forgiveness. You can write a letter explaining the pain you have endured. You can write a letter to the offending person explaining how badly they hurt you. Express all of your anger, disappointment, disillusionment, etc. Write a letter,then take the letter, fold it up and put in an envelope,you can mail it or you may choose t burn it. The activity of getting it off  your is what is  most important.

I will never forget the story of the older slave in the days of old. By the way, slavery was an unjust and wicked institution . This young slave said to the older slave ," Don't you just hate the master? I mean, he has control over our lives,and look at the bad things he does."The old wise slave said, "No, I don't hate the master." The young slave said, " Aren't you a man?" "The old wise man said,"young man, I believe in being a man,but if i allow bitterness to rule my heart, I ain't a man no more."

I am thinking of the story of a young  woman whose body was ravished by a wicked man who left her for dead. Someone found her, she was rushed to the hospital, and when she finally came to she was blind. Someone said to her," Don't you just hate the man that did this to you? Don't you just hate him and wish you could hurt or kill him?" She responded, " I never think about it."  The person was shocked  and said, " what do you mean ?" She said, "He stole one night of my life. I refuse to give him one more minute."

Jesus said something very interesting, he said, "father,forgive them, for they know not what they do."

This is a powerful lesson that has changed my life completely, you need to understand that people that do you wrong,do not always comprehend the extend of the pain they have inflicted upon you with words,actions,and/or deeds. In other words,they may be aware of the extent of the pain,but if you can learn to be aware of the fact that they are unaware of  what you are going through,it helps to ease some of the pain. I call it being aware of the unawareness of others.

If you want to have a massive breakthrough,you have to ask others to forgive you. You cannot hurt people and continue your life as normal. Life will weigh down on you until you ask those whom you have wronged to forgive you. They may not forgive you, but your part is done once you ask.

Ponder on these words.....And thanks for stopping by




Hmmmm! @joagawu on it again.. To err is human to forgive is define.. The human heart is desperately wicked says the book of wisdom (Holy Bible). We all have faultered in the past to others and others to us. This subject matter is so wide that a whole day, year and even decades are not enough to exhaust it. But the major factor I will want to say here is in the action. I know what it means to be forgiven and I have also given it But.... Laughs.. We never forget...

Grace has always been there. Wrongs are always made right which is what makes the world go round (love).. I hope I am not flowing someone here with my lyrical rythm? Laughs..

I am trying as much as possible to be myself...

Unforgiveness is like a fight between two folks, when you wrestle the other person and keeps him down on the ground you are also down but when you quit the fight and let go, you also free..

You want to succeed in your endeavour live a life of forgiveness void of grudges you will so soar like an eagle..

Medically unforgiveness makes one sick, develop wrinkles, pyschologically down.. @antigenx will throw more light on this..

@joagawu you did well by reminding me I must learn to forgive..

Thanks alot for this valuable piece..

I am me @brightfame

Thanks dear

Nice words of motivation. This is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Thanks @joagawu for sharing.


Thanks dear

@joagawu wow, didnt know we were in spirit, i got inspired by your write up. It always pays tp forgive, when we forgive, we let go of a heavy burden in our hearts and it sets us free.

Forgiveness is a gift to every human, a blessing in disguise

Thanks dear

Its very difficult to get me angry. I've learned to understand that man at best is not perfect. No man has ever attained perfection. The ability to hurt is one of the features that characterizes the imperfect man.

When we live with forgiveness in our heart, we will find it difficult to et hurt. And its the matured mind that forgives without expecting an apology

You just lifted my spirit with your comment..
"its matured mind that forgives without expecting an apology".

4 votes in 2 while days! Pathetic

Some days are like that....

The message you passed across is not only that people will benefit from it but rather is a simple fact about this life....

Thanks dear

Nice Job @joagawu, Am really Blessed with this article. I have learnt that forgiveness is the key to success. Thanks for Sharing this Information here.

You are welcome dear

But what can you say about those who forgives someone but still harbour it in mind because I know of an adage that says, “Forgive and Forget."

@joagawu thanks for these motivational quote of forgiveness, because there is a reward in forgiveness.

I really enjoy consuming your work! You always post such well thought out material that makes me think(I love thinking).

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