You are an Original, Reach within depth to Unleash your true powers!

in #motivation6 years ago

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This is to the world and youngers out here especially my people of Africa. It a call to us all to reach deep, deep within depth of our being and unleash our potential and control our happiness.

We need Africans to be all they can be, discover all they can, create all they can and innovate the World!

Some people come to the end of their lives unhappy men. They wished they had a different life, they wished they had done more, played more, give more, laugh more, cry more, explored more, loved more and more importantly lived more.

Each day everywhere we turn we are inundated with the sheer brilliance of free men expressed in technological advances that have shrunk time and space and completely redefined our lives. Yes free men! Unfortunately, we are not all free. Chains of the mind forged in the fiery enclaves of school walls, media propaganda and religious bigotry have raised an eclipsed generation who mistake scaffolds for the building.

"The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least" -

Charles H Duel was confident that all inventions had ended. This was before any real invention was born. In his days no-one could imagine the possibility of a jetliner, cable networks, wireless telephony, a global internet network, sports cars, and space missions to the moon. They couldnt handle the stretch of imagination and mental awareness required to handle the sheer audacity of it. Yet it all came to pass inspite of Charles H Duel.


I have seen greatness that were never realized, genius that never resolved because they believe a lie. And the tragic truth is that greatness cannot be achieved through falsehood. A lot of things lie to us when they award us grades that compare us with everyone else except ourselves. Those grades do indeed measure motor skills, ability to comprehend, learning aptitude and analyze data at increasingly abstract level, but they do not reflect our true mental powers and intellectual potentials.

Religion lie to us. It confines faith to a temple dynamic and short circuits it's force for good in the world. It makes us fear to explore the remotest bounds of divine possibilities and make faith seem like head-in-the-sand-escapism.

The media lie to us when they use propaganda to foist us as image of what we are not. They portray Africa as poor, broken, diseased, malnourished, incapable of self determination and leadership; the eternal infant. Worst is; we have accepted the stereotype unconsciously and it has become a self fulfilling prophesy. It is called the pygamalion effect. The media don't just report news, they help shape it.

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But think about this for a moment. 80% of the energy that makes up the universe is yet to be known even to our modern day science. They call it "dark energy", it befuddles scientist still. 80% still unknown to human civilization. When you get a chance look yourself up in the mirror and let these words sink in: "you are microcosm of the universe". -you are still unknown.

You are the soul of an original with untold layers of untapped potentials waiting to be explored. Even if you live a thousand years twice told still you will not be able to exhaust what you are pre-loaded with. Now it beats my wits to see a man waste precious life time imitating someone else or copying someone's unbelief.

Life is too short to think small or spend it on rat race pursuits that don't stir the blood.

Ultimately we lie to ourselves. This is the height of the falsehood we put ourselves through to escape facing our fears. Everytime we let challenges that beat spirit of small men into retreat get to us, we lie to ourselves. When we groan under the burden of proof that 9 out of every 10 business fold up within the first five years and we fidget at the first sign of trouble until we fold up with fear.

PS : Nothing beats the lies we feed ourselves, not religion, the media, not the government or anybody.
Because it possible for us, we potentially can until we declare we can't and nothing supersedes our own pronouncement.

When we believe a lie about ourselves, we inadvertently compromise our true capacity. Have you ever found yourself reveling about strange realms of possibilities in your mind, yet you feel incapable achieving them? Nothing is more frustrating than trying to locate an FM station on an AM frequency. No mater how hard you try you are on the wrong frequency mate. Your correct frequency is the vision of your true self, when you operate from that spot of strength and enlightened self awareness, nothing is impossible.

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The difference between the rich and the poor is not money, its perception.
The Wealthy see opportunities everywhere they turn and transform them into remarkable achievements. The poor believes he is brutally victimized, unfairly marginalized and poorly positioned to take advantage of any real opportunity. So he thinks and so he becomes.

You are an original. Do not be defined otherwise. Forge your own reality based on the truth of what you truly are! Believe it so strongly until it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. And the amazing thing is that the world will always look to you for clues on how to treat you.

So it doesn't matter how long you live, but how deeply enriched your life was with events that changed the course of history. Dear reader, your perception of the world doesn't change the world, it only changes you.

"Insist on yourself. Never imitate"-
Ralph Waldo Emerson



Yeah , i'm agreed with you

Well it the truth my dear, I wouldn't see any other way.

Most people never explore to their and it funny how what stopping them is just a preconceived ideology!

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