6 Steps To Bounce Back From Failure

in #motivation7 years ago

So How Do You Bounce Back From Failure?


“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

Wise words from Winston Churchill, and a good reminder that we have to carry on regardless.

If failing was an Olympic event, I would have my fair share of gold medals. But even though I have failed many times, I don’t regret it. Why? Failure builds character! It makes you stronger and better equipped to cope with what life might bombard you with...

When you don't succeed, it's often difficult to get back on track. But you can!

Here are 6 steps that can help you to bounce back from failure:

1. Take stock

Take a step back and answer the following questions. Stand back from the situation and ask yourself these questions:

  • What did you do that worked?
  • What did you do that did not work?
  • Are there things you could/should have done that would have made a difference?

Take your time and answer these questions in as much detail as possible. Be honest. It will help when you start on your new plan.

2. Take Responsibility

It’s easy to blame our failures on something or someone else. Don’t do it. You are the only one with control over your actions.

3. Forgive Yourself & Move Forward

You have to forgive yourself for failing before you can move forward. You did your best and it did not work out. If you feel you did not really do your best, forgive yourself for that too! Just remember, to succeed you will have to give your best next time.

4. Be Enthusiastic

If the thought of your next venture fills you with dread instead of enthusiasm, rethink it. Don’t rush into something because you feel you have to prove something. Take your time and make sure you are ready.

5. Prepare Your Plan

Once you are ready, start preparing your new plan. Go into as much detail as you can. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Discuss your plan with someone who can give you solid advice.

6. Take Massive Action

Without massive action you can have the best plan in the world and you won’t succeed. Keep in mind that you will hit roadblocks. This might prompt thoughts of previous failures and make you doubt that you can succeed this time.

If that happens, remind yourself that it’s in the past and use those thoughts to drive you forward.

To Success.


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