Success - How to stop these 8 actions to finally succeed in 2018?

in #motivation7 years ago


As every year you (yes I try to tu) set ambitious goals hoping to really succeed this time. In this article I will give you the eight points you need to focus on in 2018 to really take a big step forward and stop stalling. I reassure you there is nothing to complicate these are actions that are the wear of all. If you have a real motivation, a real goal, a real reason it will be very easy. So how to stop these 8 actions to finally succeed in 2018?



You have to understand that you are responsible for your future and that neither your boss nor the bank (for investors) are responsible for your mistakes. The excuses are for the losers so either you have a solution or you all do to find it. Nobody is perfect so if you fail the best answers is what I did wrong or what I did not do well. What will allow you to evolve and grow.

Because if you put the blame on someone else by accusing it you did not learn anything and you continue to stagnate. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, HAVE CONDUCTED THE TRAIN OF YOUR LIFE AND YOU ARE NOT A PASSAGE. Whoever holds the controllers is you and no one else. Learn to better handle the steering wheel that's all.



We are the average of the 5 people around us said Jim Rohn. Whether for health and finances or other topics. We tend to come together with people who are like us. So I advise you to get out of your group and go to another group where you're not the smartest, you're not the most physically fit. A group where you will have to adapt and run to upgrade.

Know already that for most people it's complicated because 5 people go very fast. In 5 people there is already your spouse who already takes a place if you are in a relationship. It remains 4 places. And if you have people close to you, even if it's family, a co-worker etc. We will have to spend less time with these people. If you spend two hours a day, lower this time to an hour especially if they are very negative.

You can also isolate at home and take books, or listen to audio from people who inspires you whom you would like to resemble as I said in the article about Mentors 3.0.


There is nothing worse than repeating the same mistakes. One of the best examples I've been told is the example of toothbrushing. When one has the reflex and the habit of brushing one's teeth it is second nature. We do it without thinking. as when driving a car we have habits that help us to do a lot of things without thinking so for business and our investments it should be the same.

Establish habits that elevate us and not the opposite. For example, if your real estate investment project you must have the reflex to look at the offers every day even ten minutes even if you already have alerts. Make offers as often as possible, study your market and read investment books. Likewise if you are an entrepreneur, read books and blogs of entrepreneurs and be in action, that is, sell, look for new opportunities.



I have often said on my blog the change is good. You have to get out of your comfort zone, the success is there, even if at first sight it does not seem logical. As soon as you know that success is on the other side of the area it is already easier to take the first step towards the future. Worm a better future.

Change often comes from hopelessness or inspiration.

In the situation of despair you are defeated by life either you are dark or you find a momentum out of this difficult emotional situation and rebound.

For the inspiration, it comes mostly from your positive surroundings or inspirational stories (books, movies, close experience) that push you to say I too can do it. I'm capable. If he did it I can do it.



It's easy to say it's the fault of others. As I said in the first paragraph blaming others is to be really weak. Have you ever heard those people who blame their children for their lack of success? I have already heard the opposite from entrepreneurs who claimed that having their child gave them extra motivation to succeed because now they did not do anything for themselves but for their family.

What super motivation will succeed for your children and not put all the blame on them. Some leaders do the same with their employees, but they are the ones who hired and managed them every day. So instead of blaming them, I have to say what I can do to help them succeed and if they achieve their goals I realize mine.

In this case, it is an opportunity for the manager to learn to communicate better, better understand his team. Growing up, he also makes his team grow.


How many entrepreneurs run their business because of ego problems because they did not dare to ask for help. You have to put your ego aside to succeed in big project that is often realized in team forget the history of self made men. Business is a team sport. So we must think of us instead of the self I did, it's thanks to me.

Of course, that to succeed you must have a minimum of Ego, or I would say rather pride that is a little different. But not too much.



Lack of self-confidence prevents you from realizing your dreams because you spend too much time in your head. When we know that everyone fails and even the best. We must stop being afraid of what people say. But on the contrary, be full of certainty what will allow you to lift the mountains. Place to trust. Trust helps stop fears. And to trust you must know yourself but also know its market, its customers.

So confidence is gained through practice and small cumulative victories that lead to trust.

The best is to have in mind this quote from the greatest basketball player of all time Michael Jordan "I missed 9000 shots in my career. I lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I was trusted to take the victory shot and I missed. I have failed again and again and again in my life. And that's why I succeeded. "

With this mindset difficult to fail.

On the contrary, the doubt will make you procrastinate what is even worse.


Procrastination this disease that makes us fail yet we know our subject but for lack of madness and action it paralyzes us. The best cure for procrastination is the action even a small action that will allow you to begin to unravel.

For to postpone an action that must be realized immediately does not make sense. And as you know time is money.

So stop pushing your goals for immediate pleasures that are very often useless and will make you feel guilty. As for example to make an hour more prospecting to find new customer. Instead of that you come back to watch a series on TV and stuff yourself with chocolate. At the moment it seems a good idea but at the end of the month when your goal will not be reached you will regret this moment of weakness.

This should be the opposite ie the goals before and the pleasure afterwards as a reward.

For that to forget these sentences as I would be better tomorrow or if I continue I will rush the work because I am too tired I deserve a little rest.

Be careful, it is at this moment that the greatest excuses arise for you to postpone your work. So you must do the ostrich and continue to the final goal. You can also help by posting your goals and the rewards that go with them to stay motivated and not procrastinate.


Hoping that you will not be too upset because you know I used to focus on my articles but I myself applied what I was told to do for a while. I left my comfort zone and stopped procrastinating. Yes it is a small action that puts end to end with other actions allow evolution. And if it does not work I can go back to the face so there is no risk. So to repeat the eight points stop the excuses, change your surroundings, have new positive habits, do not be afraid of change, you are responsible for your actions without blaming others, forget your ego and finally stop procrastination and everything will go good.

It seems easier said than done but I'm sure you already knew it so now just take action.

What do you think of these eight actions? Do you have a ninth to add to succeed in 2018?


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