Failure Quotes: 32 Quotes About Failure
To go back on the failure what better than 32 character failure quotes that are recognized to have succeeded in their life. Enjoy your reading and feel free to comment or share.
1."I will tell you that I have never had failures in my life. There were no failures. There were dreadful lessons. "Oprah Winfrey
"A failed thing is something that is not yet successful. Paul Valery
"An apparent failure may contain the seeds of a success that will sprout in its time, and will bear fruit all eternity. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
"Errors are proof that you try" Anonymous
"There can be no failure for the one who continues the struggle. »Napoleon Hill
"Punishing failure is the best way for no one to dare." Jack Welch
"Do not fear failure. It is not failure but lack of ambition which is a crime. With high goals, failure can be glorious. Bruce Lee
"Only those who take the risk of failing spectacularly will succeed brilliantly. Robert F. Kennedy
"Failure is nothing but success trying to
to be born in a grander form. Catherine Ponde« Nous faisons tous les mêmes erreurs. Fuir nos fantômes plutôt qu’apprendre à vivre avec. » Valérie Tong Cuong
“Beaucoup rêvent de succès. A mon sens, le succès ne peut être atteint qu’après une succession d’échecs et d’introspections. En fait, le succès représente 1% de votre travail qui comporte lui, 99% de ce qu’on peut appeler échec.” Soichiro Honda
« La vieillesse est une maladie de l’échec. Combattez-la en refusant de lui donner prise. » David J Schwartz
“Les opportunités apparaissent le plus souvent sous la forme de malchance ou d’échec temporaire.” Napoleon Hill
« L’homme intelligent se remet vite d’un échec.
L’imbécile ne se remet jamais d’un succès. » Proverbe mexicain« Il y a toujours une vie après l’échec, la mort seule est définitive. » Yasmina Khadra
« La hâte est la mère de l’échec. » Hérodote
« Le seul chemin qui mène immanquablement à l’échec est
celui qui consiste à vouloir plaire à tout le monde. » Benjamin Franklin« Ne me jugez pas sur mes succès, jugez-moi sur le nombre de fois où je suis tombé et où je me suis relevé à nouveau. » Nelson Mandela
« 100% des choses qu’on ne tente pas échouent. » Wayne Gretzky
“Le scandale et les échecs font des nouvelles, mais seulement le succès fait l’histoire.” Anonyme
"Failure makes us listen to our pretensions. Anne Barratin
"Failure does not mean that you are a failure, it simply means that you have not succeeded yet. Robert H. Schuller
"It is impossible to push one's limits without having tasted failure. »Aurel Ghem
"Indecision and inaction are the parents of failure. »Pierre Louis Lacretelle
"This thing called failure is not a fall, but an interruption. Mary Pickford
"Failures serve as rehearsals for success." Reed Cathy
"Success can not be explained. Failure does not apologize. "Napoleon Hill
"There is no failure, there are only abandons. Albert Einstein
"Failure does not exist. Only the results exist. Anthony Robbins
"What I want to know above all else is not whether you have failed, but whether you have accepted your failure. Abraham Lincoln
"One can learn from one's failures and those of others. »Hervé Desbois
"It is impossible to achieve great success without first knowing resistance, difficulties, setbacks. David J Schwartz
Hoping that these quotes have reboosted you to start on the road to success and success.