Learning, A Product of The Mind; How Do I learn

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Learning is a product of the mind or the brain which is directly proportional to the energy, time and thought at that particular period.


It has been studied that the main reason why people do not learn what they ought to learn is that they are absent-minded or distracted. The reason for failure when learning is concerned is due to a distracted mind.


I realise that my little nephew can easily grasp and recap whatever you ask her without any problem. Even without attending school (since she is still very little), she can recite the alphabet easily and has a photographic memory which helps her remember things so easily. If a child who hasn't been to school, be so brilliant, then what happens to the children in school, why do they find it hard to remember what their teacher spend hours to teach them. One of the problems is Distraction, the mind becomes total divided as the child starts to see other things that fascinate and share their attention.



Learning most especially in schools is becoming a little difficult for people as the school environment is too organised for the way so many people learn and this makes learning difficult.


A carpenter will continue to look at you without having anything to gain if you are teaching him philosophy instead, teach him how to use a saw and tape rule and you will see him learn very fast.

Learning has gone beyond the four corners of a school and the axis of a table and chair

LEARNING THROUGH EMPHASIS (The dog way of learning)

Not all humans can learn at once, so many require continuous reminder and teachings so as to learn what they have been thought. This same method is what Dogs use to learn. The more you lay emphasis about a particular thing, the more the dog becomes acquainted with the whatever it is you are teaching.

dog on phone.png

The continuous repeating of a dogs name makes the dog to learn its name.


There is always room to improve on whatever has been learned by humans provided they are willing to learn. In reality, we are all students in one way or the other, as we learn from events that occur in our day to day activity.




Thanks to @son-of-satire for the generic footer

Thanks to @elyaque for my first badge

Bildschirmfoto 2017-06-13 um 16.44.32.png


Nigerian community badge by @jodipamungkas

Badge by @royalfinest
gbenga badge from @royalfinest.jpeg



Learning is a continues process. Since evolution and progress continues, dont stop to learn if you

The key is consistency. Either you are a tech guy in love with e-lessons or a conservative learner who likes the smell of the book, you have to sit down (or stand up depending on the activity) to have a progress. Having too many methods, too many lessons, too many books does not help. One needs to find a method and stick with it. If it's not working, it's always can be changed. But if you try too many methods at once, all will fail and you will left with nothing to work on.

There are great mail lists to subscribe, giving great tips on productivity. Farnam Street and Greatist comes to mind. Also Medium always has great reads on this topic. Just subscribe to daily or weekly e-mail list and select productivity tips and you are good to go!


Education never ends .The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. Thanks for sharing.

Learning commences from birth and continues till death. But our lives, in most cases are not shaped only by our formal interaction but mainly by the informal. A child, for instance, learns dignity, patience, respect kindness etc from his interactions with family members rather than from the four walls of a school. That is why no matter how educated a man is, if his immediate environment denies him learning, he would always exhibit anomalies in life.

Learning is a thing of the mind,one thing is willingness to learn another thing is to be in the right atmosphere and in good mood to learn. Learning is a continuos chores if one want to improve in life but alongside we need to understand what work for us.

We'll keep learning till our very last breath on this planet.Thanks for sharing.

i do not think there is an end to learning. learning is a continuous process like they say. we tend to pick up things unconsciously.

a mistake parents make in Nigeria that i want to point out is choosing for their children. they need to study their children and know what they are best it. For a child that like drawing. you should encourage him and put him in a art school or class but most parents be like i want my son to be a Doctor

A carpenter will continue to look at you without having anything to gain if you are teaching him philosophy instead, teach him how to use a saw and tape rule and you will see him learn very fast.

If you judge an elephant by its ability to swim you will be making a huge mistake. Personally, I feel that schools kill people's creativity by trying to train diverse minds with a streamlined curriculum.

Skills and crafts should be encouraged in our schools. This may, to a large extent, make learning much more fun and productive.

That's for this post @gbenga

That organised school setting has a thing too. Some people find it hard to learn in a too organised situation because they fear they might fail because the environment speaks perfect.

Thats why I want to really knkw more about montessori schools, more practical and a more cozy environment as children can afford to make mistakes and be corrected.

Learning is just beautiful, it so happens that everyone do not have the same learning capacity and we all learn at anytime. A true fact. Thank you for sharing @gbenga.