Stop complaining, do better , be better.
So after you complain and whine about the government and PHCN and the million other things that are wrong with this dear country. Go out, better yourself! Learn something new: a trade, a skill, anything!
What if Nigeria is still this bad tomorrow and the day after? Are we to allow our lives be ruined because the system doesn't work.
Pls remember that your life is yours to live, and that ultimately no one owes you anything!
There's folks who have known nothing but war and famine their whole lives doing great things right now! Their story: they looked away from themselves!
Shed the entitlement mentality! Cast off selfishness! This world wasn't made to make you better! You were made to make it better! And there's so much in you that you could give if you could just stop with the murmuring, complaining, faux activism and go out there and do something about it!
Show up! You have a job, do it excellently! You're a student, yes yes we know your lecturers are mean and greedy and ASUU goes on strike willy nilly (boo hoo abeg), but are you doing your best? Show up! Be the best you you can be and see if it doesn't all work out in the end!
Sorry if I sound angry but yeah I'm preaching to myself too!
We need to be better! We need to do better!
Have a beautiful day folks!