HARD WORK? was it the original idea?

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Why is it believed that to be successful in life we have hustle or go through an amount of hard work or labour,i once believed that until I got learn about the potential principle, but that thinking is wrong,you don't have to struggle to succed,how so? okay let me explain...

The potential destiny of everything is to succeed,that is when a thing is created it is created to succeed, that means along side its creation provisions are made for that creation to succeed,

Lets use an eagle as an example
when God created the eagle he knew it will need to soar high in the sky, he knew that the eagle will need to feed itself and children,so he gave the eagle strength and strong claws,and strong eyes for for clear sight so it is able to sight food from far distances, he also knew that the eagle will have to battle the wind to stay at the top, so he gave it strong wings, so while creating the eagle he created it with this features,every single one of the features the eagles needed to succeed, so all the eagle has to do to be as great,powerful,and beautiful as it is,is to be itself(stay an eagle),it doesn't need to go through hardwork or struggle,or hustle to succeed because when its creator made it,he knew it will have needs so he made such provisions, that with minimal effort the eagle succeeds.

Same with the trees
when he created them he knew that these trees will need to feed from the soil and also make food from sunlight,so what did he do, he made the trees and gave them roots that have the ability to go deep in the soil to find water and nutrients, he also made this roots in a way that the tree wouldn't have to worry about itself when the winds came or floods washed upon it, he gave the roots strength and the ability to hold the tree in place, and also gave the tree the ability to move its branches based on where sunlight was available so it could always produce the chlorophyll it needed for it's maintenance without stress.

Why am i explaining all this you may ask? I am trying to unravel an idea to you, you see God produces everything and puts in it the ability or potential to be fufilled and prosperous.

So he did with you and i, when he formed you in your mothers womb he knew you'd have needs, he knew you would want to be significant,successful and all cause it your very nature,so when he was making you,he deposited a great amount of potential within you so that,so you wouldn't have to struggle to be successful,so you wouldn't have to struggle to feed, so you wouldn't have to struggle to pay bills, you see he had you all setup for success,but why is it that the lot of us aren't not as great as we should be? Why do we struggle to succeed? Why do we struggle to feed,and make ends meet? It is not because we aren't not educated enough, its not because we weren't born with silver spoons,neither is it because that's the way it is supposed to be,it also isn't because we haven't laboured,or hustled enough.

You see the reason why upon all the measures God has put in place for everyone us to succeed on earth stress free, we aren't succeeding is because we don't know who we are,until the eagle knows that it is an eagle and was made for the sky it will struggle with the chicken crawling on the ground trying to survive, meanwhile in it is the potential to live a higher life, same with everything else.

So Who Are you?
You are a god,
that's why when God created you, he didn't say,go lets make man that he may hustle,or lets make man that he may work hard,neither did he say lets make man that may struggle with a 9 to 5 job, no he said lets make man that he may RULE,he said lets make man in genesis 1 vs 26 that he may HAVE DOMINION over all the earth...meaning you with the potential to rule on earth, he made you with the potential to dominate on earth, so your place isnt to struggle to make ends meet, your place is to DOMINATE,your place is not to attend institutions to gather up degrees so that you succeed,your place is to DOMINATE,dominate the earth and all its resources.

Right now in you is all the potential,you need to succeed without struggle or the so called hardwork,all you have to do is to discover who you truly are and hence the potential you carry,and the only way to do this is to go to the one who created you,cause only he knows your true identity and what potential he put in you to succeed.


All images were gotten from PIN INTEREST.


Wow..this is amazing... I must resteem

Thanks for resteeming

Working hard all the time is. Not the best solution, working smart and inclining one to God is the best

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