in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Few months ago, I was going through a book, written by Brian Tracy, Titled: Change your thinking, change your mind. As I was consuming the written wisdom of Brian, I came across where he wrote: Study shows that a good percentage of the ‘world’s elite’ were actually men that suffered one challenges or the other

For instance, Albert Einstein was one of those men that faced severe challenges that he was nicknamed after his inability to learn “The uneducable einstein” He was very slow in learning but can you imagine that he later emerged as a Genius? That even his current status and contributions are respected in the world of sciences and in the whole wide world at large? He contributed so much to the world that he can never be compared anymore with his teachers.

Dell started his company in a garage, where he repairs computers. Now, can you believe that ‘Dell product’ is widely used everywhere?

Hitherto, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been written off, what matters is, how have you being managing those ‘Destructive Criticism’? You can never manage to get yourself motivated by ‘Destructive Criticism’ if you’ve never conditioned your mind to respond positively to problems.

Sometimes, I get provoked by friends, family, or my boss’ attitudes in making me feel inferior but one thing I know for sure is that before I can emerge as a gold, I must pass through a furnace with a very high temperature. With problems comes revelation of your capabilities. When the world has written you off, how much do you accept and believe in yourself?

Great men where rejected, abused, encountered failures, defeated by the enemies but yet, they whispered to themselves ‘It is not yet over, until it is over’ Why can’t you stand on your feet and say no to your defeat? Those words hurts a lot but can you actually provoke yourself to standout and build your confidence with their lack of belief in you.

You don’t need anyone to believe in you before you start believing and working on yourself. You can never produce, until you’ve provoked your spirit to act. The difference between the ordinary and extra-ordinary lies in their ability to let their spirit excited in order to act effectively with those criticism they’ve been showered with.