in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

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Diligence is the act of careful and thorough work or efforts. It is being hard working, industrious, assiduous, and also being mentally and physically steadfast.

This concept is not well understood by many people. That is why we have economic classes, or statuses of, 'the haves' and , 'the-have-nots' around us.

We cannot have fire without smoke, so we can't also have diligence without its by-product, that being wealth. Nothing promotes like diligence.

Joseph Stalin was the most powerful individual in his time. He had power over two hundred million people, yet was born in a tiny little house, rented for six kobo a month. He came to the limelight because he was industrious.

No nation can make it without this virtue. Also, no individual can have wealth, success or prosperity as his companion, without being diligent.

Diligence makes a man outstanding. It is the grand secret of success in any enterprise. If anyone is succeeding in any enterprise, watch his life very well, you will discover that he is a man who is diligent.

As I write, I remember one of my friends who fell victim to failure due to a lack of diligence towards his studies.

During my school days, we formed a group of four called , "The Elites" with, "Readers are leaders" as its motto. Obviously, the spirit of our motto reflected our performances. We read a lot, share d educative ideas, and more.

Burning midnight's candles was not easy, yet we never compromised. We set aside an hour to play each day, just to comply with the old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy..." LOL! 😂

It is always said that among each dozen, there is inevitably a Judas. Yes, the title (Judas) went to one of us named Williams. This guy was such a jerk. Whenever the time to read came, the spirit of sleepiness descended on him. He would then promise to read at home. But he never did. During our discussion period, he would give excuses for not meeting our group's standards.

We advised Williams, but it seemed as if we were putting water into a leaky basket. He refused to change.
He humored us, because he wanted to exploit us during testing and examinations. His lazy attitude became the order of the day.

It was time for our final examination. We had all prepared fully for the examination, except Williams. We advised him to study hard but he kept on saying that we would help him.

Unfortunately, we sat in alphabetically order in the examination hall. That was a new development. So we were all moved to different seats. No room for communication let alone sneaking an answer. With no one to cheat off of, Williams started eating his pen and praying to God for miracles. He regretted his actions.

When the test results came out, everyone passed except Williams.

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Diligence is the master key that is able to take a man from a prison of pains to the palace of pleasure. For those who endure, rest is always sweet because they have first labored. While those who postponed labor end up dying.

"Diligence is the master key that takes a man from prison of pains to palace of pleasure"
By @emmaculate

Nature's enduring legacy to humans is to teach honor and excellence. Nothing can make a person stand out from their equals like diligence in business.

A diligent man has already set his feet on the road to recognition and celebration, when he imbibes this rare virtue.

When a man is called, the thing that qualifies him is his diligence.

When he looks around and finds no confident helper, employing diligence will land him at the top.

No ladder is as reliable to climb. No one has ever climbed it and failed to be named a giant among men.

Therefore be diligent.
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Nice write-up.. Just had to resteem!

funny. Hope God saved Williams

Yeah but it was already late for him

Great message, @emmaculate! Diligence and tenacity always pay off!

Thanks 😘😘

Mmm... William=Benson? 😋

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