When Mammoths Join Whales Will Sing Roar Tunder Sound

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

I expect all banks to engage in business with digital currencies, a change in our future begins, because we have moved the limit of our financial freedom. We create freedom, financial independence in a healthy oasis of interpersonal relations. When the largest banks engage in business with new currencies, then whales become small fishes. This is great news for all of us, because I am 100% sure that Steem will be the primary currency in all exchanges, because it has the fastest blockchain technology that has the best marketing in the world of digital currencies - Steemit. We fly in the new world because we are lucky that Steem rules in it. Read the information to get an insight into the new dimension that is just beginning to be created - "JPMorgan's Farooq: Blockchain will have a radical impact on some of our businesses "- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jpmorgans-farooq-blockchain-will-radical-impact-businesses-220312432.html

The transition of consciousness begins with a global power change, now people have a chance to make their holy country. We are on a large ship that brings us to the most beautiful oasis we can imagine. We can enjoy our work that becomes exciting, emotional, well paid - we are on the road as financial freedom and we should continue to realize our goals. Anyone who believes in himself is strong enough to become big fish, so it's important to develop a system of goals and a positive enthusiasm. Anyone who believes in himself is strong enough to become big fish, so it's important to develop a system of goals and a positive enthusiasm. When we climb to a higher level of success, we encounter new challenges that are there to teach us to be wise. Wisdom is a combination of experience and intelligence that helps us make the right decisions, and decisions are a necessary factor for any success.

Steemit is a real challenge for all other social networks, I think it's time to put in a higher speed of incoming new users - it should be the main development strategy for 2018. I have not yet seen a product that sells itself, for every sale and growth people who make promotions are needed - Steemit is an excellent project and the only one currently in the world who pays its active users, but we should not sleep because the competition will wake up. Today, ideas are copied and perfected very quickly, there are many mammoths that have huge capital and I am sure they want to make their own currencies and their marketing system. We are now the only whale that has joined the social network and new currencies, but I am sure that we will soon see new fish in our ocean. The task of the big Steemit players is to help to new users, and I believe that now is the right time to move forward and solve the registration problem - it's not good for promotion to wait seven days for the new user to be able to work.

New users have the responsibility to learn Steemit rules, write great contexts, and read posts from successful bloggers in order to have inspiration to get to the top. Let your comments to be honest and adequate with the content of the post, because excellent comments are best rewarded. Make your goals, strategy and decide not to give up until you reach the top.

Believe in yourself @dobartim


Very well said @dobartim!

Not only does Steemit offer a completely new way to approach social media, but it also encourages a new and better way of interacting... developing a better way for the world, through our rewards system of "giving it forward."

Let your comments to be honest and adequate with the content of the post, because excellent comments are best rewarded.

This is particularly important, I think-- you can go far here with honest effortm so it is important that we teach that to newcomers. This is an opportunity, not a free cash machine where you can get something for nothing.

Exellent comment I follow you

He said and I quote "Make your goals, strategy and decide not to give up until you reach the top" the top is not meant for lazy people, you just have to be very hardworking,prayerful, believe and be the best and God will surely do the rest . we will sure reach that future goals someday very close

See you on the top

Cryptocurrencies, as you point out, are a path to financial freedom. I really think that ideas and notions of wealth are changing, and that blockchains have the potential to create entirely new financial flows. So, at the same time that more wealth is being created, it is also being distributed differently. It's a whole new system!

Welcome to Steemit Family

Thanks for this post!

I am still learning my way around here, and asking friends from facebook to migrate.

Many of my friends feel like Steemit is too user intensive, they want to be coddled, they are afraid of leaving their core group and developing new relationships on a different social network, I get that, I also see this platforms potential as HUGE, although my influence is still pretty small in the grand scheme of things, I keep plugging away, and your motivation is quite helpful.

Thanks again for this post!

Check out my blog if you have some time.
I upvoted and resteemed, plus I am sharing to facebook in hopes your post draws people across to this superior platform.

You have exellent posts

Thanks for taking a peek!

Steemit still confuses me on some levels, but I will figure it out, thanks to the Steemian community.
Also persistence.

You have said it all. Sometimes, i don't get it right when some countries give media attacks on cryptocurrency. We are in a digital era, crypotocurrency has come to stay.

The best part of steemit is for everyone to have a chance for success. Steemit is on the process of perfection and hopefully it will benefit us newbies to achieve greater heights in the platform @dobartim! More power!

Step by step

Yes! I believed in steemit and now I'am on the next step of helping steemit to have more users thus making it socially influential especially for my students who can also benefit from this platform for them to be socially and mentally relevant @dobartim! Thank you and more power!

I strongly agree the opinions and suggestions from @dobartim. Steem is a digital currency, which is now progressing, in recent days steam currencies have jumped higher, with many steam users increasingly steered higher as well as steam, as steemit users have reached millions by 2018.

I beleive in that

These are great tips for everyone on the platform.I'm really excited about the future here; it can only get better. And yea, it's very important to believe in ourselves and the potential.

Satoshi vision is clear free the fraud, keep it honest and pure, help give to recive and give back. Out of fiat into crypto. We will prevail.

Go ahead, See you on the top

Perhaps banks can convert their branches into Internet cafes that offer fine refreshments and seating areas for humans to meet and steemit there.

@dobartim you are right I think cryptocurrency is the future of the world currency and for me the future is now. Steemit is a wonderful platform for one to improve in reading skills and writing skills. I have really gained much since I joined last month

Welcome to Steemit

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