Don't Be Too Comfortable. II, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #motivation6 years ago



I watched a movie recently about a 14-year-old girl called Phiona. The name of the movie is “Queen Of Kwate”. If you haven’t seen it, I implore you to watch it. It is just a perfect motivation you need to build yourself up on the inside and to affect your world.

The young lady sells corn for her mother so they can all feed. (I won’t go into many details so as not to deviate from the point). They were so poor and one way of the other, she developed an interest in Chess. She got beat by her brother in Chess and she was baffled how the brother did that so easily, even after she felt she was better.

She studied her brother’s moves and how he did it. She would stay up all nights to study several moves. She got so addicted to it that she was always looking for ways to improve. All the people she learned with, who seem far ahead of her, she beat them all, to the amazement of their tutor. The teacher asked where she learned those moves and even thought that she read his books and she said no. The teacher gave her few books on chess and she was taught how to read.

She could have been satisfied as a local champion, but no. She said she wanted to become a Master because of the lure that she can be earning a stipend at least. She was always looking for things to improve. She beat Kings’ College number one chess player (I think that is one of their best colleges in Uganda) and she felt the boy allowed her to win because she couldn’t believe she could have beat a student of that caliber.

She played with her teacher one day and while the teacher was trying to correct her on a move he felt she did wrong, she corrected the teacher and told him this is how she wanted to do it. She schooled her teacher and that was when the teacher realized this girl can see 8 moves ahead. She can even predict the move you want to play and she already has a counter move to nullify your attack. The teacher couldn’t believe it. He held his head in disbelief. She was so good, yet she still wants to improve.


She moved from inter school, to represent her city, to represent her country, to represent Africa. She lost one time to a Canadian chess player. She felt like giving up but she came back stronger and better, with a determined mind. She did her village proud. The whole town celebrated. She made global headlines and still, she still wanted more. It is actually a true life story, made into a movie. I would delight in meeting that amazing lady. Her resilience and determination inspired me. There is no one you can't learn from in life.

Failure is never fatal, success is never final, it is all determined by how you see it. Your perspective on what happens to you determines how long you will stay there.

Don’t think too less of yourself. Focus on your strength, and when you know your strength, always seek ways to be better. Be humble in defeat, because only that way can you seek better ways to improve and be better. Have a renewed mind and a change of perspectives.

I repeat for the umpteenth time, there are always things to improve upon. Self-improvement is key. Don’t get too comfortable with your success or your present state. Always aim to be better. Leverage on your potentials and always seek to know.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


There are many things which might deter us from putting ourselves forward for more responsibility. Don’t let the fear of failure get in your way. Provided you have considered the task realistically, you should not have a problem in completing it. If you need to ask for help, you should not hesitate to do so. People will expect you to need some support when you first try something new. It's very cumbersome to make progress when you're are too comfortable. We should try and get out of our comfort zones, and try something new.

It's very cumbersome to make progress when you're are too comfortable. We should try and get out of our comfort zones, and try something new.

Absolutely love that. We can never try something new when we are too comfortable. We should stretch and launch out. I love the part you said we should seek for help. Absolutely. It's a sign of someone who is humble and willing to learn. Once you are willing to learn, it shows you are getting irritated about your current level.

Thanks a lot. This is good.

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Despite the fact that the she win her teacher who taught her how to, she still want to learn more cos she believe she hasn't know everything. She surprised me for that, at least to relent since she already win his teacher and that's how life supposed be

We should think we've reach our peak all cos we completed a task , you don't know if there are still more people who know it more than you.

Absolutely. Love that. From the point we thought we have attained, there are still more people ahead of us. No one is an island of knowledge. Attaining for more is key. It got to a point the teacher said she is now beating him with ease. She just keep on evolving. I like that attitude.

Thanks a lot bro.

Like I quoted the other time that if you have accomplished all your life goals and you are still living, it shows your goals are not big enough.

Just like Phiona when you are successful in conquering your environment, take over your community. When you posses your community, take over your state, when you are successful at this too, take over your country, your continent and the entire world.

Their is always more to be accomplished no matter what you have accomplished.

Nothing like impossible for a determined mind

You can be better than where you are currently operating , but if you don't press further you can't make this a reality.

I will love to see the movie, the storyline looks interesting already....

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin

Yes, broader view. We should always strive to aim higher. Once an achievement has been done, we should set another. This is the essence of life, to keep pushing ourselves. We must never be too comfortable to rely on past achievement. We must always be better than we were yesterday.

Thanks a lot as always.

The other time I was asked to update an app on my phone that was the thought that came to my mind. Why updating the same app over and over again?

Well, if you refused to keep updating yourself just like those apps, it won't be long before you become outdated..... Lol

Ex champions are not always remembered and appreciated appropriately as long as their are current champions who are taking all the glory.

Hahahahahah, very deep.

Being yourself through the process of knowing yourself is to cultivate self-control because in developing one's self must always run on the potential given to him.

In addition, many people become what other people say and think it's up to him. The thing to realize is that everyone is different and unique. No one is the same. They are endowed with different abilities, talents and talents. Human task is to use them for the betterment of life.

The purpose of knowing yourself for career development is to know what the potentials, talents, abilities and skills that exist in themselves in order to be used for career advancement. In addition, knowing yourself will cultivate awareness and self-control, a form of emotional and spiritual development needed to accompany the steps of career advancement.

The (personal) self belongs to the most precious, the most beautiful of God's gifts, which characterize and determine the uniqueness of each person. Inside is hidden potentials that can be developed and used in life. Human beings are obliged to recognize, master and develop these potentials and integrate them into a compact and harmonious unity.

Understanding ourselves involves understanding our entire personality, which includes: character (character), interests, abilities and physical. The goal is to accept the reality and try to develop it to be healthy and have good character. People who do not want to take the time to know yourself are wasting a golden opportunity to make their life meaningful and valuable.

So from now on, discover what exactly is the ultimate potential in you? Then develop it with the knowledge and skills in using it. Then you are not only a successful person, but also an expert in your field.

The goal is to accept the reality and try to develop it to be healthy and have good character.

Constant need for development is a sign that we want to do better than before. Not being comfortable with our current state drives us towards success, fulfilment and purpose. Thank you as always.

Determination is the key to our goals achievement. It's always good to dream big, to think big but also we have to be strong and determined in other to archive those targets.

The girl phiona is very determined, she is driven by internal force. Remember, she started by selling corn to feed her family.

She had a vision of eradicating poverty not to herself alone but to her families also. When she sees the opportunity, she didn't look back. But it doesn't come cheap.

What really helped this little girl is what some of us lacked this days,she is open to learn a new thing everyday. She never gets satisfied.

We can only go beyond where we are if we do more than what we currently doing.

I remembered what one of my teachers used to tell me back in my secondary school days "if you want to have grades than your mates, you have to burn many candles than them " means I have to dedicate more time to read than my colleague does.

To get better results we have to do extra, that extra is what makes the difference.

Thanks for your motivation @olawalium and @communitycoin

You got it right there. Her desire and determination made her go extra. Remember when she won the academy champion and the boy was crying? The boy was comfortable while she was constantly learning. When we do what we have never done before, by stretching, we achieve what we have never achieved before.

Thanks a lot for this. Always appreciated.

Thanks for your feedback, it means a lot.
I have learnt so much from this, and hope others do the same. We can learn anywhere, anytime at any point in time. As long as it benefits us directly or indirectly. Thanks

Exactly. No one knows it all and I am still learning a lot too from everyone who gives comments. They are wonderful comments and I always enjoy them. Thanks as always.

The desire to be too comfortable at the present achievement or at any position you hold today is saying you already have what it takes to sustained life which is not always true, the fact that the job won't be forever and if you have a stable job like government job and you believe that alone is the answer to your comfortability In life then you are actually mistaken because you won't reach the greater height, that is we see people around us getting more everyday. So the desire to always yearn for more must surely be our watch word. I will always say this. Let takes a success as just a stepping stone for for more success coming our ways through doing what we know to be the best and always give room to learn from people around us since a tree alone cannot make a forest.

Determination to always yearn for more success will be the key and tool that will motivate us toward the line and step to be taken in order for us to move forward in all our endeavors. Remaining too comfortable(static) mean that you have giving up in life and a living heart can still make things happen no matter the amount of failure one might have stumbled on.

Her resilience and determination inspired me. There is no one you can't learn from in life

Same here brother, I will make sure to watch the movie, I always desire to get inspired by people around me and even beyond, that is why it is always good to watch a movie that will always teach something no matter how small it might be, I vote of non fiction, though there are non fiction that teaches and even look like a true story.
We have to remember this, life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realised. Stay focused and never be too comfortable.

@olawalium do you play active chess?

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