What to Do to Become More Assertive and Learn to Say No
Want to learn how to become more assertive and learn to say no? If you have found yourself acting out in anger at someone in your life, you can become more assertive and get through to your ex-spouse. Here are a few tips to help you make the transition from being a passive person to being a strong person in your relationships. Let's take a look at some of these tips.
o First, realize that saying "no" is not going to make your ex-spouse love you any less or stop them from doing whatever they want. In fact, it could cause a stronger relationship between the two of you if you were to learn to be assertive about how you feel.
o Second, become a strong person by taking action rather than just thinking about what you want to do. Be assertive about what you want to do because this will show your ex that you're serious about changing your behavior. When your partner knows that you're willing to change the way you act around them, you'll be much more likely to become more successful with your relationship.
o Be honest about your feelings and let them know that you are willing to work on changing the way you act around them. You never know when your ex might come up with an idea that you're not used to but it can be worth learning how to be more assertive and say no because it will be good for your relationship.
o Learn how to be assertive by showing your partner respect and letting them know that they don't have to listen to your complaints or you just won't do anything about it. You can even teach your partner to not listen to you anymore if you're not willing to do anything to change the way you act around him/her.
o Tell your partner that there's a time when you're going to say "no" and this is when you're going to put an end to the relationship. You'll also get your ex to understand that they have done everything wrong and that the end of the relationship will be for the best.
o Don't talk about your feelings or why you are not happy in a negative manner. You don't want to say something like "I'm sick and tired of being pushed around all the time"I don't know where I'm going to sleep next weekend." You want to talk to your ex like a normal human being - like you would talk to your friends or family.
o Get some books on being a confident and strong person and start doing the things that will get you the results that you're looking for. You'll notice that the changes that you see will help you get your ex to become a much more satisfied and happy person as well.
o Make sure that you're in charge of your relationship. If you've always been the one that makes the decisions and the one that gets the credit, your ex will start thinking that you are only using them and that you're controlling them. This is something that you need to avoid at all costs because it will take away from what you can give to your ex.
o Don't talk about the future of the relationship - don't even talk about the past with your ex.
o Don't get into a constant argument with your ex because this will keep your ex from giving you any attention because he/she will think that you are always complaining about the things that you can't do. yourself. Be honest and talk about the things that you want to do but don't want to do.
You now know a few things that can make it much easier for you to become more assertive and learn to say no. Try these tips out and you'll soon be a much happier and successful person!