The Power Of Spoken Words


Your words are more powerful than you can ever imagine. Words can bring life and hope to dead circumstances and can bring death and calamity.

Words are eternal, they never die once spoken. When you say something whether positive or negative, those words get out of your mouth and hover around the atmosphere for centuries. You may think whatever you say just disappears, no it doesn’t!

Magicians make incantations, and what does this comprise? Words of cause!

Words can be spoken out publicly, so all can hear or can be spoken in your mind. The results remain the same whether you speak out or speak within.

Whatever words you speak within or meditate on, will definitely translate into an action externally. No matter how hard you try to conceal or hide it from view, it will show one way or the other.

Words can be in written form, but they still bear the same effect as the ones in spoken or oral forms.

Why is it that sometimes, you can feel the sarcasm, jealousy, or threat in a message sent by a troll on whatever the social platform you use? This shows you that even in written form, words can wield power.

Words Have Creative Capabilities

The universe and everything we see today were created with words. The Holy book says:

Genesis 1–3

In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water.

Then God commanded, “Let there be light” — and light appeared.

The entire universe you see today was created with words and these words spoken by God had powerful creative capabilities.

Men Are gods On Earth

Do you know that you are a god? You are not just mere flesh and blood, living your daily life casually. Man is Spirit living in an earthly suit or body. We are ambassadors of God to rule and dominate this Earth planet as demi-gods!

Genesis 1:26 - 27

Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”

So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female.

You are a direct image or replica of God whether you believe it or not. If God’s word had a creative impact to go as far as creating the universe, so can your words!

You may still be in doubt but come on readers can’t you see the awesome innovations done by man in technology and other fields of industries we see today. Don’t you see the revolutions and human advancements? They all started with WORDS!

I was watching a video about the Rolls Royce Phantom on youtube, on the supercar blondie channel. I was just marveled out how this car was perfectly designed for comfort and convenience.

And I thought to myself “This car was made by human beings, where the fu*ck did they get such a great idea or concept” The answer is simple, “We are gods like our heavenly father God. If he can create a very complex universe, we can also create great stuff because we are made in his image and likeness”.

The making of the Rolls Royce Phantom started with words. There would have been several discussions and meetings by a lot of professionals and innovators. Do these meetings hold without speaking? The answer is NO! Everyone talks out (Words) and bring ideas to the table.

These ideas and words are then put to creative action which then births the product. You see what I am saying….

Words originate from the Spirit which dwells in your mind. Have you asked yourself this question “How is it that I can still talk and hear myself while reading with my mouth closed and nobody around hears it?”. It’s your Spirit which is not physical that does all these talking that you hear in your head or mind.

You are more powerful than you think, don’t let any man or anyone put you down. You are the image of God and you must walk in dominion.

Spirits Floating Around

Be careful what you say, because words are very powerful. In this world, there are spirits both good and bad that roam about in the atmosphere whether you believe it or not. When you make a pronouncement from your mouth, it goes into the atmosphere. If it is a negative word, an evil spirit will pick it and execute it, if it is a positive word a good spirit will also pick and execute it

If for example, you say “I am a loser”, the spirit of a loser will pick your words and make you a loser. If you keep saying “I am a winner”, the spirit of a winner, will make you a winner.

Words are backed up by either negative spiritual force or a positive one. Be careful what you say.

Proverbs 18:21

Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Dear readers, you may be going through a tough time in your life or a difficult situation. Don’t give up, keep speaking positive words on your life no matter what you are going through and things will change because there is power in spoken words.

So get out there and turn on the “God-thinking” switch in your career and business. Once this switch is on, the sky won’t be your limit, but beyond it.

A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Pave your way to greatness with your words today.

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