Three Years Ago Today...

in #motivation6 years ago

3 years ago today, I posted on Facebook about wanting to write a book.

For over 3 years I wanted to write a book, but had excuses and lacked follow through.

Last week, I released my first book.

It took less than 45 days from deciding to do it to my first sale.

It was going to be a blog post then a series, then I gave in to the growing length and it became a book.

Two strategies helped me:

  1. I regularly write long form blog posts. By viewing the chapters as blog posts I was able to fit writing into my schedule.

  2. When I got bored with writing, I got the cover handled. Having that cover to see made me finish writing, rewrite, edit, proof... It was my desktop background for 2 weeks before anyone else saw it.

An idea without execution is worthless.


Congrats @ashr. I've always appreciated your input on here and CCT Facebook.

Thanks, I'm no longer in CCT, but I'll still be here and on Twitter :)

Great approach from inspiration to product

Congrats. That is a huge achievement, especially in such a short length of time. I've been the same and always wanted to write a novel as well. I got about half way through one, once when i had a quiet few months but it get pushed to the side then. I know that someday i will go back and finish it but not just right now.

What did you write about?

Thanks, I wrote a book about earning crypto :)

A post about the release is here:

Instead of doing it all at once, maybe you could set aside an hour a week or something, any progress is good progress !

Nice, I'll have to look into it. I'm fairly sure I saw something about it a while back too.

I've put mine on hold for the moment as I have other projects to do first but when I get back to it and I will eventually, that's not a bad plan. Ever bit of progress helps to move it on.

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