HAPPINESS Vs SORROW - Are we living a TRUE LIFE of happiness ? Is these are the battle moments of everybody life ?

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

According to me, Sorrow is the name of those feeling which discourage us about our goal while Happiness is the feeling of those feeling which encourage us when we are fighting of facing the difficulties of our life to achieve our goal. it’s all about when we are observing the life as an achievement. In other words ,sorrow is those feeling which overcome by any loss, distress and disappointment or failure. While the happiness is the state to the experience of joy, positive emotions or moods and meaningful. Here by “joy” I mean smile and laughter.

As these both are the part of life whenever we see them by the angle of triangle, then we definitely understand then easily. life contain both aspects sorrow and happiness as triangle contain both the positive and negative aspects but we can change a small part of sorrow into happiness by sharing and remain cooling, it doesn’t mean that it completely marked out ,it just low your burden of stress. For example, if you consider a simple paper be your life, then don’t make it heavy by lettering a lot of stress or pains on it, you should remain it lighter by lettering joys which make your life to the happiness mode. And it’s all will be occur when take all the things easily , collect small happy moments from everywhere and by finding happiness in sorrows.

Now I discuss a famous imagine story which is mostly used. One day, sorrow an happiness come at the front of each other and start discussing about each other, then Sorrow said: you are too much lucky that everyone wants to achieve you and feel comfortable with you. Then the Happiness slightly smile and quietly said: I’m not lucky, you are lucky because when mostly people achieve me then they forget their family, their parents and all dears but when people find you, they memorize all of those whom they miss and want to spent that time with them. Simply , it means that we never forget our all dears in every condition because these are those peoples who make your life happy and also can find happiness in your sorrow.

Do you want to enjoy the true happiness of your life? , then it can not be find in your status, bank balance, a lot of money and also in your unusual wishes ,you can find a lot a true feeling of happiness when you do something for the humanity, you can find it when you help those people who deserve it and you can find it when you money or food those one who don’t have this ones and die everyone. And it all will happen when your spirit of humanity glow up and raise your love for humanity and you think more about them rather than ourselves.

And after that you will forget the sorrow and worries of our life and try to spread the happiness, to become happiness. We are away from this spirit because we ask a lot of questions to sorrow when it comes toward us that why did this happen to me while on the other hand we never ask this question when happiness come to our life.
If you think about today, not tomorrow then it’s your good decision to be happy because if you think about tomorrow every time than a lot of question about different works and worries come to your mind and make your happy today to sad. So live for today a happy life and findout those things in your life which make you happy and eliminate the sorrow.It’s a secret of happiness and whenever you face sorrow then try to find out happy moment from those one.

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