Do you feel burdened and broken?
You're never alone in that struggle
I know you feel alone and weighed down often times
I know the darkness that surrounds you seem to linger forever
I know you're weak, broken and downhearted
All hope seem to have fizzle away like smoke
Broken and dead dreams is all that you seem to have now
You wonder if you'll ever make it out of this turned alive
You seem broken beyond measures and your world is falling apart
I believe you'll survive this night
Not only do I believe you'll survive, I believe you'll thrive
I believe you will smile again
Remember pain birth victory
As long as there is breath in your nostrils
As long as your heart still beats you can still win
Walk through your pain, don't give in to your struggle
You're stronger than your pain, don't give up now
Keep fighting even when your strength is failing
Don't stop believing and don't stop moving
You're amazing, and in you lies a strength to be who you're meant to be. Keep moving