FOCUS AS THE KEY! Focusing on that one thing to achieve your goal.
Achieving success is no easy feat. It is an open secret that extremely successful people do extraordinary things to achieve their goals. They act and think differently from the average individual. The truth is most people are afraid of thinking or dreaming big, they do not believe they have what it takes to achieve big dreams.They allow negative thoughts and associations limit their thinking and so they settle for smaller easily achievable goals. Friends, although the road to success is not an easy one, it can be achieved. It is a step by step journey that requires your dedication, focus and also discipline. Here are few tips that are not to be ignored.
Arrange your to-do list on a scale of preference. Not all items are equally important!

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Only a scheduled event sees the sun before the clouds. - Nucleus.
It is common to make a daily to-do list to keep track of their activities for the day. How do you place priority on a task? Different people have their own approach to work. Some start with easier tasks, others start with the more difficult one. Some people don't even bother, they just do work in the order it has been written.
Notwithstanding, these approaches fail to address the main point...what importance is attached to a specfic task? Some tasks have little or no impact in your life so why waste time doing those when you can start with more important tasks that would add value to your life. Tasks that have the most impact should be given the highest priority.
Living a disciplined life through habit forming.

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You wonder how easily successful people maintain discipline year after year without compromise. The answer is easy, discipline is an habit they have developed over the years and we all know it is hard to stop an habit once it is formed. When you put all efforts into forming a good habit, it becomes a part of your life.
The human habit speaks far the speech of a notable one. - Nucleus.
Michael Phelps is an example of a personality that used this trick. If you don't know him, he is a retired American swimmer who is considered the most successful and most decorated Olympian swimmer with twenty eight medals to his name. He is well known for his discipline.
However, it is not commonly known that as a child, he was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Have you ever met an hyperactive child who could never focus on one thing? That was Michael Phelps. He revolted against his nature by focusing all discipline to one activity, swimming. He swam and trained seven days a week all through the year. Soon, it became an habit that was hard to break. This saw him through the Olympics.
Being disciplined is easy, it is not meant for extraordinary people. You too can be disciplined by forming good habits.
Stop multitasking, pick a task and give it your undivided attention.

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There is no such thing as being a superhuman. Funny that nowadays, the ability to multitask is considered a necessity. However, it is undeniable that you miss vital points when you do two or more things at the same time. For one, multitasking is time and cost ineffective and sure you won't do your best as supposed when you take them one at a time. Mundane activities such as walking and talking, driving and talking, for example can be done at the same time but tasks such as preparing a presentation and discussing a tricky business problem with a coworker can affect your efficiency. You lost time and concentration, giving neither the best attention required. You are more likely to make mistakes, so in that situation and others similar to that, pick the one that you feel is more important and give it your undivided attention and you sure would be rewarded with good output.
In summary, success comes from focus, determination and hard work. Focusing on one thing when working towards your goal is paramount to your success. Avoid making silly mistakes that would prevent you from achieving your dreams. Develop good habits that help you stay disciplined. Prioritize your tasks for the day and pick the ones that would have the most impact first. Success is easy for those who know what they want.
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Arranged and edited by @tezzmax.
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