Inspirational quotes of the day
Today's quote is based on Rumi, I choose him today because as you know im on my way to discover my real self, its been quite a journey and intresting too, with more downs than ups, but finally I feel I am rising.
Whenever we make a desition and we feel save and peace of spirit , it means we are on the rigth path to the truth we are seeking to. We have to stop pleasing people's need intested of ours, nobody is livig our lives but us, and we have to live it in the most peacefull way, or search for the happines as we can call it . Nobody is in our skin but us, and we have to be happy of who we are but, how to be? if we are uncertain of who we realy are.
We have to understand that love begins with in us, and if we dont love ourselves enough to help us thougth this life, nobody will. It's time to Stop hurtinfg and forcing ourselves to be someone we are not just to pleace others and forget of what really matters!.
I wish all of us find the real happines because life is too short to live it unhappy and lost