Bottle over Boob... A Few Reasons Why I Chose to Exclusively Bottle Feed My Third Born Son


As a mother to a newborn there is always alot of controversey as to how to raise your little bundle of joy. Especially when it comes to feeding them. Im here to tell you, breast isnt always the best.

Now I know some of the mothers out there are thinking "whhhaaatt!! You chose to bottle feed instead of giving your child the best start by doing what is natural?" Well yes, yes I did, and here are a few reasons why...

Reason Number One: Ive Tried...
As this is my third child ive already tried breastfeeding. As I can recal with both my first and second child, I was not able to physically yield the proper amount of nutrition through exculsivley breastfeeding my children, and without supplementation they probably could have starved to death. This is not an uncommon thing for mothers to face. Because of this problem it can cause many mothers to feel inadequate or useless because their bodies cant do what it was naturally made to do. I cant even tell you how many nights I spent awake crying because I felt like a downright failure. All because of something I literally had no control over. So to all the women out there who have the same problem, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!

Reason Number Two: Bonding
Many women who read about birth or have done it personally have all heard of the "its such a bonding experience" story. Its not all its cracked up to be. While even though I mostly bottle fed right from the beggining with my third born newborn, I still opted to do skin to skin contact, which basically means right when the baby comes out of womb you put them up to your bare skin and try to get them to feed. Believe it or not, you can still do this even while bottle feeding. Even though they arent getting their food from you personally it can still be a bonding experience. Also breastfeeding can be very painful. I know with my first and second that even thought the bonding is great, it can start to become really agonizing, causing a mother to dread feeding time. Which in return causes a mother to no longer crave that "bonding experience".

Reason Number Three: Freedom
As selfish as this may seem, its true. With bottle feeding there are still freedoms I get to have. Such as eating what I want or drinking what I want. As a mother of 3 (all under the age of 3) nothing feels better than my morning energy drink, and my evening glass of wine. I also get to eat all the junk and sugar that I want, which is terrible but also good, cause a happy mom equals a better mom!! Keeping whats inside my mind healthy makes sure that I keep whats outside my mind healthy as well, and I can promise you whats inside my mind is healthy.

This is in no way meant to discourage someone from breastfeeding, because it is still a beautiful part of motherhood. I definitely say give it a try, but if you arent capable then do not beat yourself up about it because you are probably still a great mother regardless! STAY STRONG MOTHERS!!


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You are doing what is best for you. Your body, your baby, your business.

My point exactly!!

Being a mom is hard enough without everyone telling you what to do all the time, or lecturing you about how you're a terrible mother if you don't do ____________. You're a good mother if you keep your kid alive, fed, clean, and reasonably healthy and happy. Thank you for writing this!

Thank you! Ive stopped caring a loonnggg time ago what everyone says about being a mother. Which is exactly why i was able to write this post! Lol

You both are so cute. ♥♥♥

Awwhh thank you!!!