The mother is the victim of the rape child....
In the capital, a child has been raped (11). Today, the child is born with a surgery in a hospital in Dhaka on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the 30-year-old man was arrested on February 8 on charges of rape. He is now in prison.
Investigation-related and family members said in the first light that the young man called the child as a mama. The child's family and the youth who lived in the apartment lived alongside. The young man used to visit his home due to the identity of the child's mother. The mother of the child is employer. In the absence of the mother, the young man came to the child's house.
The child gave the statement of Dhaka court on 22 February under section 22. The child told the court that when his mother did not stay at home, the young man would come to his house. More than once, the young man raped her. But she did not tell her mother anything.
After the baby is pregnant, her mother may know the incident. After hearing the incident from the child, he filed a rape case against the young man on February 7. The next day police arrested the young man and sent him to the court.
The child's father is abroad. The baby was with the mother. The child called her as Mama due to her identity with her mother. On the condition of not disclosing the name, one of the relatives of the child said in the first light, their identity from the young man at least ten years ago. They used to come home, to eat, and to eat. But I did not even think that it would be an inhuman cruelty for eleven-year-old child.