Repost: Great Musqoe Batul Makmur Meulaboh
Hi all steemit friends !
Baitul Makmur Grand Mosque is touted as one of the 100 most beautiful mosques in Indonesia. The mention is contained in a book compiled Teddy Tjokrosaputro and Aryananda, published by PT Andalan Media, August 2011. This gives pride for the people of West Aceh.
Baitul Makmur Mosque is located in Meulaboh, Aceh Barat District, Aceh Province. Located about 175 kilometers southeast of Banda Aceh City.
Photo by : @muliadilibra
How beautifuk that masque @muliadilubra
I need to pray subuh in that masque. I evergo there 2years again.
Thatbtaphi pajan neupakat long jak keudeh,, that the gread idea for shalat 2 rakaat tahiyyatul masjid.
Thank you
You aree so cliver choosed a post.
Jak jue bg @hubbi, whenever I can, I wait in the city meulaboh yes. After we pray directly drink coffee "teubalek". Ok.
Masha Allah ,great mosque, stay blessed
Amin, subhanallah. If you have ever prayed here @mehmoodasultana
Schönes Land, schöne Kultur!