!!قصتي مع الكلب الضال

in #morocco7 years ago


في يوم من الايام كنت متوجها الى العمل وصادف انني وجدت كلبا ضالا, ليس له عين وليس له اذن, فاقتربت منه محاولا ان اعرف ماذا حصل له, فنظر الي في وجهي باكيا كانه يحاول ان يقول لي ساعدني. ظننت انني فهمت ماذا يريد, لأكون صريحا لم استطع حمله لكنني قمت بجعله يتبعني، فتوجهت صوب المنزل، أخذت صحن من الماء و إناء من الطعام وقدمته للكلب. لقد اكل كانه لم ياكل يوما عندها علمت انه كان يتضور جوعا، كان بحاجه الى الإستحمام لكنه ابى ان يدخل الى الحوض فكانت أمامي طريقة واحدة لارغامه، وضعت له مخدرا في الطعام وعندما اكل سقط نائما عندها قمت بغسله جيدا ووضعته في مكان دافئ. ذهبت للنوم وعندما استيقظت في اليوم الثالي لم اجده، مع أنني أسكن في الطابق الثالث! استغربت، فأين له ان يذهب لانني اقفلت الباب، بحث في المنزل بأكمله لكنني لم اجده. عندها ذهبت الى العمل فوجدت في المكان الذي وجدته فيه سابقا رساله تقول احذر!! اذا وجدت كلبا هنا فاجري هاربا!!


One day I was going to work and I happened to find a stray dog. He had no eye and no ear. I approached him and tried to find out what had happened to him. He looked at me in tears as if trying to tell me he helped me. I thought I understood what he wanted, to be frank I could not carry him but I made him follow me, headed towards the house, took a bowl of water and a bowl of food and gave him the dog. He ate as if he had never eaten. I knew that he was starving. He needed to take a bath. But he refused to enter the basin. I had one way to force him to eat. I put him in a mess and when he ate he fell asleep. I washed him well and placed him in a warm place. I went to sleep and when I woke up the next day I did not find him, although I live on the third floor! I was surprised, where should he go because I closed the door, searched the whole house but I did not find him. Then I went to work and found in the place where I found previously a message saying Beware !! If you find a dog here, run away!

To be Continue...

@OriginalWorks this is an original story written by me!


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