@Morwhale are sorry , and made new change for you !
In order not to stop the service of @morale, we will smooth the voting service of the team. at a very low price. all the team will vote for your posts without @morwhale.
- All the team will vote 15% for 0.010 SBD or STEEM.
- All extra-transfert will be consecrated as a donation
- Only posts that have received less than 4 votes will be refunded.
The service will be launched today at 00:00 GMT.
All transfers preceding these two days will be refunded by order and the list will be stopped today at 00:00 GMT.
Thankyou my dear followers.
Pour ne pas arrêter le service de @morale, nous allons lissez le service de vote du team. a un prix tres bas. tous le -
- Le team votera pour vous postes sans @morwhale.
- Tous le team votera a 15% pour 0.010 SBD or STEEM.
- Tous l'extratransfert sera consederai comme une donnation
- Seulement les posts qui ont recu moins de 4 votes seront remboursséés.
Le service sera lancé a today a 00:00 GMT
Tous transferts precedant ces deux jours seront rembourssé par ordre et la liste sera arrété aujourd'hui a 00:00 GMT
I have not receive any upvote or refund from you since yesterday

i sent 0.01sbd for https://steemit.com/dmania/@macko/sixth-world-zg1hbmlh-y7nq3.
since yesterday and have not recieved upvote or refund
dear morwhale! I did not receive the refund....please check it.....
thank you!
Dear morwhale,
I just want to report. My sbd 0.500 not yet be refund
first kindly i sent 1.000 sbd but received just 0.900 to upvote my post and send 2 times 0.020 that means 0.040 and please upvote without comments on my posts this is all and you have to correct every sentence.
Hello @morwhale,
I have sent 0.05 SBD but still don't receieve any upvote or refund.
I appreciate all upvotes, resteems and follows.
This bots a flipping scammer !!!! DO NOT USE IT! I sent sbd weeks ago and still never got anything and no replies or comments back!
I RETRACT MY REPLY IT TOOK A FEW WEEKS BUT I SEE @morwhale did refund my sbd yesterday
I did not receive any upvote and it is over 2days
Sent 0.010sbd for https://steemit.com/dmania/@ategun/when-a-friend-tells-me-i-wont-make-it-on-steemit-but-im-now-making-it-zg1hbmlh-mxwb5
I am transfer 0.31 SBD with memo https://steemit.com/steem/@kabibitak/daily-price-report-steem-steem-dollars-sbd-bitcoin-btc-and-ethereum-eth-february-24-2018-401af4d147a51 I did not receive upvote, please check it.
Thanks @morwhale