Health Benefit of Miracle Tree !

in #moringaoleifera6 years ago (edited)

Moringa Oleifera is a familiar tree. Dazzling trees grow quickly. Give flowers to two to three years. The flowers, leaves and fruits of this tree are all delicious. The scientific name of the tree (Moringa Oleifera). This tree has been described as a Miracle tree. Miracle Tree is one of nature’s most healthy and nutritious foods. There are countless studies that describe the benefits of moringa leaves, one of the most potent plants in the world.

Where found:

This tree has been used for four thousand years of cooking and treatment. Nearly 300 types of diseases are treated with this tree. In South Asia, these trees are found in the forests and forests of the house for many years, on the banks of the pond. In recent African countries like Senegal, Mali, it is cultivated commercially. Farming is also very easy. If a tree was destroyed, it would have been possible. The trees grow very quickly. Give flowers in two to three years. Its flowers, leaves, fruits are all delicious. The number of people who do not know their Bengali name is very rare.

Nutritional value:

Moringa Oleifera is not only Vitamin C and carotene-rich vegetables, but it also contains a number of other nutrients. According to the nutritionists, every 100 grams of Diet (dietary), 2.3 grams of sugar, 11.4 grams of carbohydrate, 21 mg of calcium, 5.3 mg of iron, 0.1 grams of fat, vitamin A 750 microgram, Vitamin B1 0.04 mg, Vitamin B2 0.02 milligrams, Vitamin C 45 milligrams, Mineral salt 1.9 grams, Fiber 4.8 grams and Food power is 60 kilo calorie. The leaves contain 6.7 grams of protein, 12.5 grams of sugar, 440 milligrams of calcium, 7 milligrams of iron, 1.7 grams of fat, 6700 microgram vitamin A, 0.01 mg vitamin B1, 0.05 milligrams vitamin B2, 220 milligrams Vitamin C, 2.3 grams of mineral salt, 0.9 g fiber and 92 kilocalorie food power. The amount of dry leaves is more. There is more calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc than milk in miracle leaves. Moringa Oleifera is given the title of 'nutritional dynamite' due to high nutritional value.

Anti-oxidant mine:

Moringa Oleifera leaf is called anti-oxidant mine. Of these, vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and chromogenic acid are present. Note that these components are beneficial for the human body. In particular, chromogenic acid provides special work to reduce blood pressure and sugar. The Journal of Cancer Prevention is preventing the creation of anti-oxidant cancer cells on the Moringa Oleifera leaf.

Resistant of Diabetes:

Antioxidants and iosethoscinates reduce the risk of diabetics taking regular ingredients. Diabetes can reduce by 21 percent every day by consuming only 50 grams of Moringa Oleifera leaves. It is possible to control diabetics by eating a teaspoon of 3 cups of sesame leaves and after three months.

Moringa Oleifera oil:

The oil made by the seeds of Moringa Oleifera is really oiled. It's more than any other vegetable oil. Oil is very beneficial for long-term liver patients. The quality of the food is acceptable in the preparation of Moringa Oleifera. Sage oil is very beneficial to give long-lasting food to perishable food. This oil can be used in the pain and pain of arthritis and protects the skin from the cold moisture.

Prevent Arsenic Pollution:

A Global Problem Arsenic Pollution. To prevent this problem, seed or leaf roles will play a role. It is useful to use seeds or leaves in order to heal patients with arsenic contamination.

Killer of Cholesterol:

Moringa Oleifera kills blood cholesterol. Moringa Oleifera is being used as heart disease medicine for many years in Thailand. By 3 months it can reduce the cholesterol level in half.

Haberl Benefit:

To remove the stomach of the body, the stems of Moringa Oleifera have to be cooked. Besides, they also act as dehydrators and pesticides. Fruit extract benefited from rancher, paralysis, liver and spleen diseases. Moringa Oleifera leaves to destroy the harmful bacteria. Regular leaf juice is absorbed in the blood. It is useful to use leaf tumors and acne. Due to the presence of blood or swelling of the teeth, you will have to moisten the Moringa Oleifera leaves with sufficient amount of water and dry them regularly two times. Thus, remedies can be used by using 7/8 days. 8/10 drops of water juice, with a cup of milk mixed with milk, it will stop staggering. But diabetes patients cannot be fed this juice. In the bite of the dog bitter, add the amount of turmeric, garlic, pepper, and salt to it and poisons are destroyed. The original seeds are used for the Snake biting patient. If there is pain or swelling in any part of the body with ears, it is beneficial to get the juice of Moringa Oleifera extracted out of the juice. If leprosy is a disease of seeds or seeds of seeds, do good work. If you suffer from it, you will feel comfortable playing 4/5 teaspoon of tree bark juice every day. Flower juice is very useful for asthma. Apart from mixing with milk, the kidney stones are diluted. Flowers and stings resistant to stalks. A headache is removed by mixing glue on the forehead or mixing it with milk. To remove the Scabby, the juice of the leaves will rub well on the head. The fruits of vegetables, beans, leaves, flowers, barks, roots and gum are each precious. These uses fill the nutritional deficiencies in the body. As well as keeping the body healthy.

The use of so good and easy-to-use Moringa Oleifera remains in our limited range. It is very easy to eat as fried.

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