commemorate the moon k3
The implementation of K3 culture is an integral part of national development to improve the productivity and competitiveness of Indonesia, "said Minister of Manpower Hanif at the peak ceremony of National K3 Month in Surabaya, East Java on (12/1).
Present at the peak of the commemoration of this National K3 Month East Java Governor Soekarwo. East Java became the first location of the launching of National K3 Month held outside the capital city of Jakarta.
The K3 Day Celebration in 2018 is the fourth year for the Indonesian people to continuously strive, play an active role and work collectively in realizing "Independence of Indonesia K3 Cultured Society of 2020". While the main theme of the K3 2018 Month is "Through the Culture Safety and Health (K3) We Form a Character Nation."
Menaker Hanif said that the government is still prioritizing infrastructure development such as toll roads, railway facilities, bridges and other transportation facilities for air, land and sea and other supporting facilities.
"The development program should be supported by the implementation of K3 so that its implementation should not cause accidents and occupational diseases," said Hanif.
Work accidents and occupational diseases not only cause material losses or casualties and health problems for workers but can disrupt the production process thoroughly and even damage the environment that ultimately affect the public.
"One of the causes of the work accident is not optimal supervision and implementation of OSH and OSH behavior in the workplace. Therefore, there should be a real effort to prevent and reduce the occurrence of accidents and diseases due to work optimally, "said Hanif.
Based on data from BPJS Employment the number of cases of work accidents continues to decline. In 2015 there were 110,285 cases of work accidents, while in 2016 there were 105,182 cases, which decreased by 4.6%. While until August of 2017 there were 80,392 cases.
Ministry of Manpower as a leading sector or national policy holder on K3, is looking forward to the support of all parties to further optimize the implementation of K3. Governments, local governments, institutions, industrial societies are obliged to take an active role in their respective functions and authorities to continuously make various efforts in the field of OSH.
If K3 is done well then the case of occupational accidents and diseases can be suppressed, unnecessary costs can be avoided so as to achieve a safe working atmosphere, comfortable, healthy, and increasing work productivity. national economic growth and global competitiveness.
On this occasion Menaker Hanif appealed to, encourage and encourage all Ministries, Provincial Governments, District / Municipal Governments, Scholars, Universities, professional organizations, associations, corporate leaders, workers, other peoples, to make concrete efforts against implementation of K3 in their respective environment. So that the K3 culture really materialized in every workplace and the general public throughout the country.
The series of activities in the framework of the national K3 month 2018 include delivery of awards K3 pembina to regents / mayors. Zero Accident Award) Nil Accident), implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (SMK3) management system and HIV prevention and prevention program.