Getting old is weird.
Once in a while I think about watching “Moon” again (it shows up on my streaming list of options), but I veto it because I think I remember it too well and I want to save it for later.
But it was fifteen years ago. Subjectively it feels like half that, or maybe ten. I know it was 2009 because of other things I remember were concurrent, but the non-anchored impression is that it was more recent.
I wasn’t old enough long enough ago to know for sure from personal experience, but I think my sense of time is circumstantially compressed due to Covid lockdowns. I think somehow long stretches get subjectively deleted or squeezed, maybe because there aren’t the usual number of subjective trivial anchor events along the way.
Watching young people around me grow up is itself an anchor but when it doesn’t line up with other subjective sense of the passage of time it can be a bit of a jarring context snap. I remember being 13 and thinking 8 was a long time and finding it weird that adults didn’t seem to think so.
Maybe we don’t die, it’s just that our subjective time gets accelerated asymptomatic to infinity. 🤣 Our own personal falling down a Black Hole gravity well.
Do people who have been incarcerated have the same subjective sense of time as they report from before? Does the time seem to drag out in realtime but seem compressed upon recollection?