72% Moon, Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Orion & Lotsa Noise - Jan 26, 2018
Once again, apologies for the length! I left a lot of footage in that I normally cut out, like the irritating noise - but just wanted to share so you have an idea of what it really sounds like around here.
Anyway, the 7 Sisters (Pleiades) shone through, along with Aldebaran which was next to the Moon, and Sirius plus Orion. Oh, and a brief glimpse of the noon Sun, along with the muck they spray in our skies.
4:27 to 6:30pm, Friday January 26, 2018, NE Ohio, 43°F - Up 43-50° Above the Horizon in the SE Sky
(Ohio is in the Eastern Time Zone)
-Nikon P900 with 83x optical zoom & 166x dynamic fine digital zoom super telephoto Nikkor lens:
-Homemade Solar Filter using Thousand Oaks Optical Solar Filter Film (inexpensive from Amazon), some cardboard and tape.
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