How a careless teenager turned into a (step)mom - Part five - NOW WHAT

in #monthlyauthorchallenge7 years ago (edited)


(life of a girl who survived domestic violence and stalking, fighting for a better life)

Welcome to the FIFTH day I'm participating in the #monthlyauthorchallenge!
I'm really excited to join the challenge! Why? Because I would love to share some bits of my life with you.
I think it might surprise you and even shock you 😉


Yesterday I told you about my marriage at the age of 17 and having my baby when I just turned 18.
So now I was a young mom. Now what? I had to make some decisions..

My in-laws opinion was that I had to stay at home, so I could be a good mother and wife.
My own opnion was a LITTLE BIT different... Of course I wanted to be a good mother and a good wife, but I'm a little to emancipated for that way of thinking...
Don't get me wrong.. I loved spending time with my baby! But after a while I was 'Roy's wife', I was 'Mirthe's mom', but I wasn't just 'Betty' anymore. 😅
I wanted to go back to college. I'd already got my foundation degree for primary school teacher just before @mirthe was born, but I decided to switch and go to the university of applied sciences to do social work.

I loved studying. I loved taking classes. I loved being called 'Betty' again!
But there was this dilemma... Should I study 4 years in a row and get more kids after getting my bachelor? That would mean that Mirthe would be 5 years old at least before she'd get a sibling. Hmm, not ideal..
Or should we just leave it to chance? We chose the second option, which meant that I was pregnant again at the age of 19. 😁 I was really happy with it!
In the mean time my mom helped me out by babysitting Mirthe. We didn't have a car, so I had to take the train to college. My mom lived in the city between where I lived and where I had to be for college, so I took Mirthe with me in the train and threw her out of the train as soon as I saw my mom. (I did it while the train was standing still)

You know, being pregnant while you're young has it's benefits.. I went to birthing class.
OMG what can I say about birthing class without being offensive? I felt like a dolphine between a group of whales. Ok, maybe that's offensive.. Sorry!
And then you have these lessons with the partners where you have to look in each others eyes and practice how to pant.. AND ALL THOSE PEOPLE DID IT WITHOUT PEEING THEIR PANTS!! Except for me, I just couldn't..
While all those whales were struggling to turn their but, I felt like I could easily do a handstand.
(Noooo, I didn't! I was young, but not stupid!)

I was a little bit worried.. I didn't think that I could love anybody as much as I loved Mirthe. But WOW, I was DEEPLY IN LOVE when I saw @lotje for the first time!

betty en lotte.jpg

I had this beautiful family now! What could go wrong? We would live happily ever after!

Stay tuned!

-Thank you for your interest! I would love to hear something from you! Please leave a comment and I'll get back to you 😊 Hope to see you back tomorrow! Love you 😘!-


I hope you will soon feel like a dolphin between whales here on Steem!

I could get used to being a whale I think 😁

No. We already have 4 kids, that's more than plenty, so we're not going that route again, honey

Feed me!


I love how your story is so real! It makes life seem not so perfectly-perfect! I felt the same way when I got pregnant with my 3nd child, my oldest was 4 when I had her & prior to delivery I was afraid I would not know hoe to love her the same..girl was I wrong! lol & then my 3rd was 5 yrs later- again not ideal..we too left it to chance and it just so happened to happen every 4 to 5 yrs, with my last daughter it was by all means the best pregnancy and delivery I could have asked for! I was 31 with my last and 21 with my 1st...but I would not change a thing except maybe having them a bit closer the same time I am a firm believer in all things happen that are meant to be and everything has reason & purpose, even if at the time it does not seem so!
I look forward to following your story!

Thank you @tabby12! I agree, everything happens for a reason! We're both blessed moms! 😄

yes maam! I used to tell myself that just so I could make it through a bad day/ or sometging tgat had not gone in my favour...prior to kids...afrer kids I finally realised it was true! we are blessed...they are life savers!

How cute the little kido was!!! You both @bettyboob and @fitzgibbon lucky enough to gave a birth of such a cutie @lotje

@fitzgibbon didn't... stay tuned 😉

I feel somethings coming.. so I am going straight to the next part..

Of course something's coming @anouk.nox. Can't you hear the: TumTumTumTumTumTadaaaaaaa??? LOL

Haha 😂 Jeeeeejjjjj the cliffhanger did it's job!! 🤗😜

Yeah, I did! It is unfortunately because I had to learn the hard way how these kind of persons behave! So I kinda saw it coming ;) I am behind reading so .. next part ;)

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