Keeping Up with Pogonas

If you have been religiously following our blog, you must've been weirded out of the pets we keep. Let's take out of the equation Chase, the French Bulldog. He sure sounds like a normal creature to raise. Tarantulas - We get quirky reactions. Understandable, since majority has arachnophobia.


The other pet we share our home with are pogonas. Pogonas, more commonly known as Bearded Dragons are reptiles containing lizard species. They earned the title Bearded Dragon for that underside of their throat that turns black when they are stressed. It is very seldom though that they get stressed. The whole time we have been keeping them, we barely saw them with this attitude.


Beardies are said to have originated from Australia. They have been popular choice as pets for first time reptile owners. They are cute, friendly, and they won't keep you up all night. They live a long time - 12 to 13 years, making them long time companions. They respond to how their owners pet them. Sometimes, I feel like they are dogs trapped in a scaled body.

Spikey and his morning greetings.

While people think they look scary, they aren't. They make great pets for kids. Behavior-wise, they are calm and passive. Attention seekers always wanting to have their back or chin rubbed, they will do everything to make you notice them. Most especially when they feel like you have forgotten their meal time.

As much as they are great pets for kids, they require to have a close to nature like habitat for them. That costs something. You have to have the right setup of lighting - for basking and UVB. These fixtures should have correct settings so they can get the ideal temperature they need. A water dish on the corner, salad bowl on the side and a specially made hammock - make them very happy. They feed on dubia, crickets, or superworms. We get these feeders in pairs so they reproduce and make us not have to buy everytime.

Little fella happy with his merch.


One interesting thing about this reptile is their individuality. No Bearded Dragon is the same. They have their own color, pattern, and behaviour. Some are lazy while others are hyperactive. Some like to sun bathe a lot, the others just prefer to bask in ther vivarium.

Unlike most lizards, pogonas don't regenerate body parts thus, one should really be careful with handling them. You wouldn't want a pet with missing tail or finger, yeah? They have mild venom which is not harmful to human. A handler should also wash hands after handling them since they are unconsciously carrying salmonella.

They aren't cheap as pets. Here in the Philippines, a common morph is worth around $40 - $80. Those whose lineage are from old descendants range from $100 - $700. Ours were from hobbyists who gave us fair price after giving them our bargaining skills.

Beardies are lovable creatures and I won't discourage you to discover them for yourself. But, before keeping them as a pet, just like any animals, I'd suggest researching about how to have a nice environment for them at your place. It will definitely be beneficial for both owner and the pet.

Thank you for reading! Comments are very much appreciated!



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