📷 Steemit Monthly Author Challenge by @future24 - day 11: Get ready for Easter!
Hello my dear friends! I continue to take part in a call from @future24. I thank my friend @cranium, for his motivation. Today our children came from school and told us that an exhibition will take place tomorrow at school. Teachers said that we have to make Easter eggs at home and bring them to the exhibition. So today I was drawing eggs. I will show you all my work tomorrow after the show, and now I will show you only one egg. I made it a smiley face!
Привіт мої любі друзі! Я продовжую приймати участь у виклику від @future24. Я дякую моєму другу @cranium за мотивацію. Сьогодні наші діти прийшли зі школи і сказали нам, що завтра в школі відбудеться виставка. Вчителі сказали, що треба вдома виготовити пасхальні яйця і принести їх на виставку. Тож сьогодні я малювала яйця. Всю мою роботу я покажу вам завтра після виставки, а зараз я покажу вам тільки одне яєчко. Я зробила його у вигляді смайлика!
You can get acquainted with the competition for these links (Ознайомитись з конкурсом ви можете за цим посиланям: ): https://steemit.com/monthlyauthorchallenge/@future24/steemit-monthly-author-challenge-by-future24-february-2018-day-1
Funny photo @sokoloffa and keep up with the challenge!
Kind regards from Berlin. Jonas @future24 & @inspiring
PS: You are using the wrong Tag, that´s why I only found you because @cranium used the wrong Tag "monthauthorchallenge" too some times. :D The right Tag for the Steemit Monthly Author Challenge is: #monthlyauthorchallenge (Almost the same, but with "y".)
Получился отличный смайлик.
Hi @cranium!
I found @sokoloffa´s blog here only randomly because of one of your posts with the wrong written tag "monthauthorchallenge". :-D I already wrote the right tag #monthlyauthorchallenge wrong too, it´s really a very long tag... 👌 Maybe we should implement the tag #smac for Steemit Monthly Author Challenge too, because it´s easier to write and remember, or do you have another tag idea?
Greetings from Berlin!
Jonas @future24 & @inspiring
I believe that it is worth continuing monthlyauthorchallenge. There is a chance that eventually he will gain even more rewards and get to the top :)
hahahaha.....you made a nice smiley egg. amazing work. keep sharing @sokoloffa